
how do you like my footer??

i’m just ciurious :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

very nice man!!!

its cool, but it doesnt confirm to standards

Dimensions: 300x60 or less

Please make sure you change it appropriately.

For more on this footer crackdown, check here:

Yah it’s pretty cool and should easily be cut down to fit the size restrictions. Good work :wink:

i tried, but how to fit this res?? i pasted the code from html and it should be 300x60!!!
dunno what 2 do… :-\

I could play with that new footer for hours lol :beam:


  • Soul :goatee:

oh and just one thing…

pres anywhere on my footer and then press UP/DOWN arrow to zoom :wink:

have fun :wink:

Omg! I didn’t even know that! Its even cooler!!! :beam:

Weeeeeeeee flys down tunnel


Way to go, its very cool :slight_smile:

One of the mods is probably gonna moan at you for it being too big again though…

  • Soul :goatee:


but i really dunno how to resize it

it should be 300x60…

nice to know that U like it :wink:

you know where you do:

(swf=“ height=50 width=300”)(/swf)

(where you would put brackets instead of parentheses)

make sure the height and width have the right numbers… You can fix the size regardless of the size of your actuall SWF.

In flash, clickin on the stage will let you edit it’s properties in the properties toolbar… you can change it there…

… and you do know how to change the size of the footer, because you had to type that code in.

Please change it as soon as possible

<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
 WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="60" id="avatar_kirupa" ALIGN="">
 <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE=""> 
<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> 
<EMBED src="" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF  WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="60" NAME="avatar_kirupa" ALIGN=""
 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="">

thats the code he has in his footer, not sure why its not workign…

well then… he should use vB code to stick it in instead…

The footer looks to be the right size on my screen. Also, the footer is really awesome - it is very addictive =)

Kirupa <:}

I have a feeling it will be sloooow for older machines… that many points in a calculated perspective with alpha fading in the background runnng at 28 fps. Im even feeling the chug here at home… I might have to start browsing with footers off at work

yeah, I’m starting to feel it to… I might have to change my own footer…

i’ll try to optimize it…

I have a pretty good computer so it doesnt lag here and it looks fantastic :slight_smile:

But I see where most are coming from with the lag - my older computer used to chug like crazy when I would browse with footers on…yikes.

how do ya like it now?? :slight_smile:

added preloader for slower connections :wink: