that looks really good, and is funny because of where the dragons nailing with its eye beams, heh
hey thats awsome div…except the dragon should be breathing fire and not shooting a beam from its eye lol but i like the originality and humour
heres a picture i did of vader in line art
i use it on my sig.
I see, now all the line artists are appearing… What is this, some kind of plot? I like that Darth Vader though, very good.
Beginning to wish I’d never mentioned this contest… I think I’d better get to work on my entry.
Well the whole point of the battle is to DRAW some fantasy type picture and then make it line art in Flash. If you found the dragon on the web then its not really a measure of your artistic ability and more of a measure of your tracing ability. I don’t care if you enter it, just I personally wouldn’t submit it if it wasn’t my image.
i agree jubba…
im out from this battle…
the idea just struck me, and the lack of time made me
take a “shortcut”… sorry
kitiara… i could never draw like u
no offence by my “entry” i hope ?.. just a way of showing
u respect !
later all
I apologize if I sounded rude or offended. I just don’t feel that having an entry that was not drawn by the “enterer” is not fair to the others that are going to draw their entry and put in the time. Your idea was very good, and it looked very good. I still think you should try to come up with something original. Even if you drew that same dragon over yourself and did the same thing.
once you post an entry, can you replace that one and enter another one?
The deadline isn’t until the 5th. I’m sure he can change the file as much as he wants until then.
Yep - I’d say that the last image to be submitted before the cut-off date is the one that gets voted on.
Well, here’s my initial one… Think I probably ought to put a background on it though…
very proud creature you’ve got there, guess I’ll drop in my submission thus far in a short while ( don’t want your dragon gettin lonely do we).
congrats on the skills , intimidating as usual.:beam:
with no luck, how do i convert my swf into gif or jpeg?
I just normally do a Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen and paste into Photoshop. Then trim off the excess and Save for Web.
Very nice dragon Kit!!!
Dont make the background too overpowering if ya make one
Good luck :beam:
- Soul :goatee:
posted the image at this link hope it works:
lol…I like the blond hair…
yeah, it really was startin to look like phil at some point, seems to have lost it tho.stayed committed to it anyway , still needs some tweakin’.
Phil is getting a lot of attention these days…
Philbo likes attention…
It seems to make him feel “love-d”