For the Guys

What’s the absolute nicest thing a girl could do for you? I need your opinions please.

Scratch my back

I cant reach it…

Sell all of her posessions on Ebay, then take me to jamacia…

Hmmm i don’t think i should really say the answer to that one lol

pay for the beers one night.

Good question, Golgi. :slight_smile:

And just for the record, I always buy the drinks when I go to a pub. :slight_smile:

Kit gets a gold star!

in that case kit when we goin to the pub lol

Doh… Very well, I will get the drinks in, as long as I’m allowed to win at pool. :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i don’t think i’d have to let u win i not to good at pool

aw kit, im sure you could beat them w/t them letting you win, its just a fact that women are better at pool then men. :beam:

The best thing? :beam::bad:

  • Soul :s:

I will challenge you any day!

ok people, i KNOW that the best thing most of you will think of is SOMETHING like you know what i’m thinking, but let me rephrase the question. the best thing OTHER then that thing. hehe.

*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**I will challenge you any day! **

who me?

lol…the other thing you can do…other than “that thing”

:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:

*Originally posted by golgi *
**who me? **

yeah you! :evil:

hehe. you wouldn’t wanne play me, you would be sharked boston boy. :wink:

em… buy me a new brand-super-pc :crazy: lol

:beam: :beam: okay tough guy :beam: :beam:

Come to the brewery tonight in Lowell I will be there ripping it up and playing pool tonight.

We will see

:beam: :beam: