When would you use a frame rate other than 12 in a flash movie? What are the benfits or purposes of that?
When would you use a frame rate other than 12 in a flash movie? What are the benfits or purposes of that?
I can’t find the thread over at ultrashock, but PixelRanger (not like he God and we have to listen :lol: ) explains why we should always use 31 FPS, something to do with a MAC.
Personally since I read that thread I’ve only used 31 FPS. The higher the FPS the faster and smoother your motion will be (assuming your using AS for motion).
Search around the forum I’m sure this has been brought up more then once.
I always use a framerate of around 24 for a reason I think is a very good one…
Basically, scientific tests and all that malarchy prove that a framerate of 21 to 24 is required to make a series of keyframes seem like a continuous motion to the human eye.
Always bump your framerate up into an insane one of like 60 or 70 if you’re creating games where you would have collision detection code that needs to be run extremely frequently so as not to miss anything out.
Yes, the human eye has this ‘smear’ effect. When you see motion, the motion you see consists of several frames played rapidly after eachother, depending on the framerate (frames per second). The frames you see smear into eachother creating the illusion of motion. This only works for framerates of 24 and higher.
Crap, you guys are right, the animations do seem much smoother at 24 and up.
Too bad I’ve already laid out half of my movie at 12fps!
Thanks for the tips tho!
Guees I should start doing that
Senocular posted once a thread with what were the best performance settings suggested by Macromedia to use in flash and i remember 24 fps is the framerate of choice and there were also comparisons as to how accurate the fps were in projectors and swfs too bad i dont remember :-/
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