Hi guys,
made some templates in Swish. You can download them for free. Check them out in the downloads section of my website:
Hi guys,
made some templates in Swish. You can download them for free. Check them out in the downloads section of my website:
most of us here are well adept at flash and don’t want or need
any free templates. thanks for your time, and you just have
yourself a lovely day. Take care now, bye-bye then.
it sure is nice of you to be such an *****hole, unflux.
I’m trying to work out what the five letter word before “hole” was *****hole??? i dunno, care to elaborate.
hey unflux! that was a bit harsh. The dude trys to be nice and you beat him down like that! Funny, but soooo not cool…
htmlpro - thanks for the hard work dude… great effort.
Unflux was right in saying that most people here are pretty good with flash already but still your donation to the board was a nice one. Thanks man… I am sure someone might find them useful.
I’m just tired of everyone here being Mr. NiceGuy and never
telling the truth.
first of all, the templates aren’t any good. Second of all, I wasn’t
being an jerk, and why do you care anyway? He’s made 5 posts
and now spamming his own work, and you’re protecting him?
All this board has become is an ego-boost for people. Come here,
post your work, and you will undoubtedly receive at least 10
posts telling you how good it is, even if it isn’t. That’s asinine.
Why do you think I stopped posting mine?
Are you telling me you approve and agree with someone trying to
sell/give away free work on here? Countless posts have been
deleted and/or edited for the same reason and you are giving me
grief for posting what most of us are thinking.
Are you seriously ever going to visit his site and use his
templates? I highly doubt it.
Lighten up, and learn to speak your mind instead of tip-toeing
around the truth all the time.
You need a hug pal?
a beer more like. got one?
I always have beer brother.
I can see why this whole template thing really twists your left nippple.
The templates were pretty bad.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**I’m just tired of everyone here being Mr. NiceGuy and never
telling the truth.
All this board has become is an ego-boost for people. Come here,
post your work, and you will undoubtedly receive at least 10
posts telling you how good it is, even if it isn’t. That’s asinine.
Why do you think I stopped posting mine?**
I agree UNFLUX…
people get upset when given straight critiques, ask reviewers to be gentle, then complain when they aren’t picked…
That is why I don’t visit site check anymore… too many people fishing for compliments.
Take a look at what has been posted previously, look at the comments, and see if you really want to post your work. If you want an ego stroke, then post on your site, and invite all your friends to comment…
hmm - I dont really agree or disagree with either Unlfux or Rev. I mean, I can see where you are coming from but I dont think it’s as bad as you guys make it out to be.
1st - sure people like to have their ego stroked once in a while but that’s not a bad thing - as long as it’s mixed with constructive critisizim than what harm can it do. Telling someone their ideas suck or that they arent any good isnt going to make anyone try harder, it’s going to do the opposite.
2nd - I understand what you mean about the site check section but to be honest, I posted in there once or twice and both times I have gotten the obligitory “great work - wouldnt change a thing” but I have also gotten great responses, and I think one of them was from you Rev and even Unflux if I remember correctly. It said what you liked about the site but also things you would change - that’s what people need to hear.
They dont need to hear that they “suck” or their designs “are no good” that’s not going to help anyone. I know it sounds very idealistic and like I should be teaching Kindergarten but if people were telling my stuff sucked and that my designs were no good - I wouldn’t have the job I have now or the passion for the art. People need to figure out that there is a difference between helping and hurting. It works both ways - you can hurt someone by being too nice, tricking them into thinking their work is always good when clearly it’s not. But you can also hurt them by making them not want to try again and get better.
I dont know - I guess just after reading these posts you guys seem to be too harsh. Unflux - I havent seen you post like this before, you seem very frustrated or mad about something.
I am curious then, no one should post the work they do here? If I worked at somthing and posted it I would like feedback, good or bad. I think its far better to know what people think about something you do rather then not knowing anything. Also if someone does good work why should they not receive praise of some sort?
Don’t get me wrong now, I am not defending htmlpro, I thought his message was pure spam. I am working on a couple projects now, and I was thinking of posting the results here for feedback when I was finished. Not as an ego stroke, but I trust the people here to be honest without flaming me. There is a big difference between giving constructive feedback (good or bad) and bashing the person because you don’t like thier work.
posting your work is fine.
complaining about what response you get is not… or to say in your subject “be gentle with me.”
IMO, if you post something, be ready to get shot out of the water. Especially since you have already taken a look at the quality of stuff posted before, and the results of the critiques…
People who enter SOTW don’t even look at the rules, let alone what sites have won, and what comments the sites get… That is obvious.
People tend to take criticism way too personally, or give the reasons why they did something the way they did… reasons rarely make it okay, it just justifies it in the author’s mind…
Plus, I am sooooo tired of seeing sites trying to copy outright an intro or effect from a famous flash site, like 2A.
again, just my opinion…
Unflux has a very good point. Whne i post stuff I’m not looking for an ego stroke either. i wnat a honest opion and ways to improve. When ever i have posted a reply to some one in site check i’m compleatly honest and tell them what they can try to make it better. I would hope others would do the same.
Templates anger me as well. Especialy when you offer them on a board that trys to help ppl learn flash. These are kind of an easy way out for someone and will only hold them back.
Well, I suck at web design, so no worries for me there… My projects aren’t really Flash related, but I thought people might want to take a look if it sounded interesting to them. =)
Niann post your wokr in site check and i’ll be sure to find them and give a good look over them. THere are a could other ppl who also do a good review when they have the time.
*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
I’m just tired of everyone here being Mr. NiceGuy and never
telling the truth.
what’s with the holier-than-thou attitude man? if you’re tired of it, just ignore it, don’t insult someone.
first of all, the templates aren’t any good. Second of all, I wasn’t being an jerk, and why do you care anyway? He’s made 5 posts and now spamming his own work, and you’re protecting him?
templates aren’t any good? maybe he thought they would be a help to someone who is completely beginning. you’re telling me you’ve never looked at the source of a cool experiment you’ve seen to try to figure it out? it’s pretty much the same thing as opening up a template.
and what does it matter how many posts he has? he’s not spamming anything, he’s just letting people know that they are there if they should want to check it out.
All this board has become is an ego-boost for people. Come here, post your work, and you will undoubtedly receive at least 10 posts telling you how good it is, even if it isn’t. That’s asinine. Why do you think I stopped posting mine?
just because he posted his template, doesn’t mean he’s asking for an ego-boost or a compliment. if he had asked for comments or suggestions, i most certainly wouldn’t have complimented him on the quality of the templates.
check my posts in site check, i rarely give unfounded praise. i actually don’t think that i’ve ever wholly complimented someone on a site without giving my honest feedback as to how i feel they could improve it.
Are you telling me you approve and agree with someone trying to sell/give away free work on here? Countless posts have been deleted and/or edited for the same reason and you are giving me grief for posting what most of us are thinking.
yes, i agree with people who are posting things to try to give others a head start on learning some flash basics.
im giving you grief? soooo sorry. i’m just telling you to use a little respect and tact in your replies to others. just because you have more posts, doesn’t make you a better designer. and cut with the holier-than-thou attitude, you’re not perfect either.
Are you seriously ever going to visit his site and use his
templates? I highly doubt it.
no, i won’t, but his post was obviously not directed at us. his post was meant for those who need a beginning in flash. if this kind of stuff makes you so upset because its not up to par with your skills, then why assume it was directed at designers of your experience. just ignore it, don’t bash him.
**Lighten up, and learn to speak your mind instead of tip-toeing around the truth all the time. **
i was speaking my mind, i was expressing my disgust for people like you insulting those who are trying to help others.
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