FREE Swish Templates

*Originally posted by liam *
what’s with the holier-than-thou attitude man? if you’re tired of it, just ignore it, don’t insult someone.

he is holier then thou. you know why? because he has the balls to speak out and tell the dude flat out that he sucks. and NEVER, and i mean NEVER, has unflux ever been not supportive of someone who legitimately was seeking guidance. im sorry, i hate spam. and this dude is spammin. he should be tarred and feathered just like every other person who send you viagra ads and mortgage refinancing emails. keep kirupa clean, baby.

and also, i would like to mention that YOU LIAM were the one who started throwing blows. unflux was simply partaking in some wonderfully refresing sarcasm. he never started mudslinging. but erm, if i remember correctly, you are the one who called him a *****hole. so dont be such a friggin hypocrite. isn’t you who said “just ignore it, don’t insult someone”???
practice what you preach.

yes, i agree with people who are posting things to try to give others a head start on learning some flash basics.**

yeah. right. he is trying to help others. that’s why his stuff is just shameless promo for suckers who don’t know squat and think they will pay some dumba55 to make a stupid site that sux. I AM SO TIRED OF SUCKY WEB DESIGN. ALL OVER. INVADING THE WHOLE DAMM INTERNET. SUCKY STUFF. SUCKY STUFF.
what ever happened to striving for excellence? this world is polluted with horrible commercial crap. aren’t you tired of bad design? every day i walk around boston and look at the world around me. and i notice all the bullsh1t, all the UGLY stuff. i am sick of people not having standards.
i have lived my life compromising my standards to “BE NICE” or “give the other guy a fair chance”
well. i’m sick of it. no one should have to compromise. and i’m not gonna do it anymore.
i will no longer settle for over cooked steak when i ordered rare!
i will no longer settle for lukewarm coffee when i ordered it hot and fresh!
i will no longer settle for a mechanic who forgot to check my fluids when i got a full and complete tuneup!
i will no longer settle for mediocre at best services!
i will no longer settle for men who just aren’t good enough for me!
i will no longer settle for an incomplete answer!
i will no longer settle for anything less then complete respect!
i will no longer compromise my standards just to make the world more comfortable with my voice! NO MORE.
i am sick of being polite. i am sick of making little white lies so no one’s feelings get hurt. i am sick of playing this game. in the end what matters? what matters is how much good and how much beauty you have added to the world. NOT HOW MUCH CRAP YOU COULD DISH OUT AND THEN HOW MANY PEOPLE YOU COULD BULL**** INTO EATING IT UP.

im giving you grief? soooo sorry. i’m just telling you to use a little respect and tact in your replies to others. just because you have more posts, doesn’t make you a better designer. and cut with the holier-than-thou attitude, you’re not perfect either…
i was speaking my mind, i was expressing my disgust for people like you insulting those who are trying to help others.**

lord give me strength. because it’s taking every fiber of my being and jesus to hold my tongue right now.

You go gurl!! :thumb:

Yeah, this is what I am talking about! Lets feel the soul! (not Soul) THE soul!

You know you make my head spin when you talk like that red :sure:

*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
**You go gurl!! :thumb:

Yeah, this is what I am talking about! Lets feel the soul! (not Soul) THE soul!

You know you make my head spin when you talk like that red :sure: **


lets blow this joint and go get some takos. :wink:

fo’reals :wink:

yes, i agree with people who are posting things to try to give others a head start on learning some flash basics.

This is not a head start it is a step back. These lead to another person who doens’t know any thing about web design taken these templates and trying to sell them claming he is a flash designer.

Liam you are the one who started getting ignorent in the first place. Most ppl saw the sarcasim in unflux post but you seem more like the one who has the “holier-than-thou attitude”.

And besides these templates are poor at best. They are choppy and look bad. To even a beginer they would not be helpful cause the wont be learning any thing. THESE THINGS DO NOT HELP.

*Originally posted by liam *
**it sure is nice of you to be such an *****hole, unflux. **


when you have as much experience as UNFLUX, then you can call him to the carpet. Meanwhile, leave the reprimands to the mods. As your profile states, you are 18, and have no site of your own. I assume you are going to school…

take a step back, realize there are people in this world who don’t necessarily think the way you do, and move on.

Once again, Kirupaforums has not asked you to be a champion for anyone. You have been here 4 months, and you want to reprimand a member who has shown his talent and his ability to critique other people’s work many times?

Before you decide to become a Junior Moderator, I suggest you actually demonstrate the past projects to back up your ego…

And if I see you continuing to call members names, we won’t be having another discussion.


have some compassion, you guys. everyone started out as a beginner. you have no right to keep flat-out insulting htmlpro.

so sorry for using the “holier-than-thou” comment; don’t be calling me a hypocrite (golgi + sintax), when you’re doing the same thing i was for htmlpro for unflux.

and for god’s sake golgi, i never said that his templates were of the best quality. i just don’t feel that you have the right to flat-out put him down like that. you need to calm down too, you’re reading too deep into this, and even if it was an attempt to be humorous, it didn’t work.

rev - i do have my own site, and i’ve had my own domain for 3 years. dunno how you missed that on my profile. and, before you start making quips regarding my level of experience; upon looking at unflux’s portfolio, i’ve got more sites under my belt in my portfolio than him.

you want to reprimand a member who has shown his talent and his ability to critique other people’s work many times?

i’m sorry, i can’t agree with this mentality. so what you’re saying is that if a member has been here long enough and has a decent portfolio, he can run around being mean to some newbies who probably look up to him?

i think you guys value the number of posts a member has on this forum way too much.

i didn’t want this to turn into something where everyone is against me, and i’m sorry for the wave this has caused.

next time i express my opinion against someone i’ll be sure to check if his posts are less than mine.

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
first of all, the templates aren’t any good. Second of all, I wasn’t
being an jerk, and why do you care anyway? He’s made 5 posts
and now spamming his own work, and you’re protecting him?

Man, there’s a lot of “he’s got so few posts, who gives a **** about him”. That’s just lame for god sake!

Oh, another thought, Post-nazism. Those with a lot of posts are those of superior race and those who don’t have a lot of posts are those who are spit on and thrown rocks at.
Have fun Mr.Post-nazi!

*Originally posted by UNFLUX *
**most of us here are well adept at flash and don’t want or need
any free templates. thanks for your time, and you just have
yourself a lovely day. Take care now, bye-bye then. **

htmlpro didn’t need defending. Unflux never said the templates sucked or where poor quality. He made a sarcastic comment that some one was bound to make. Then you come in deffending some one wo really doesnt’ need it and start calling ppl *******s.

When some one starts acting like you did towards Unflux then it is worth defending.

it was a broken link for me.


I’m sorry, I stand corrected. You do have a site. It is 1 page long, and has a mailto. I saw it and forgot about it.

I apologize.


*Originally posted by reverendflash *

I’m sorry, I stand corrected. You do have a site. It is 1 page long, and has a mailto. I saw it and forgot about it.

I apologize.

Rev **


*Originally posted by liam *
and for god’s sake golgi, i never said that his templates were of the best quality. i just don’t feel that you have the right to flat-out put him down like that. you need to calm down too, you’re reading too deep into this, and even if it was an attempt to be humorous, it didn’t work.

oh, no worries. no joke was meant. believe me, when i’m trying to be funny, i acheive my goal.

im not gonna calm down, and you have no right to tell me i’m reading too far into this. i think i’ve kept it plain and simple. lets reveiw the course of events, for some added clarification…

htmldude spams kirupa
unflux calls him on it
liam insults unflux
golgi and others stand up for unflux

see, now that wasn’t too complicated, was it?

now granted, i did go off a bit on a rant, but hey. it all boils down to one thing.
we deserve to live spamfree. and if kirupa gets infiltrated, kirupans get pissed off.
the end.

lol this sounds like what u guys usually do to me except its a different group of people

All I know, is that I never intended off of one smart-alleck
comment for it to come to all this.

Liam, you clearly took my post the wrong way.

If you didn’t get it, then why call me names? or even comment at
all? Why not just ignore it, since 2 people posted before you
actually understood what I was trying to say? It might not have
been the best way to say it, but my reasons and logic are all

As for my portfolio, it speaks for itself and I don’t feel the need to
defend it to you or anyone else. I don’t need to compare it
to yours or anyone else’s either. I do professional web work for
clients and my own satisfaction, not for pats on the back on
kirupa. If you think your portfolio is grander than mine, well
then, good for you!! However, this is how many sites of yours I
have ever seen = 0.

Sorry, but I don’t argue like a schoolyard recess. Don’t call me
out when you have nothing to show for yourself. You want to
settle this Ol’ West style, we can battle. I’ll keep my eye on the
battle forum for an invite.

But as for my posting on this thread and topic, I’ve made my
points and many others have both supported and expanded on it.

Thanks for the support everyone. I’m done here.

i’ll sell meat on a stick and beer…

please please please battle, oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease

First of all I can’t see the second template.


I do not agree with unflux and Reverendflash. Indeed some just seek good comments. But does that means you should it them. In the “Site check” forum everybody does give his opinion. I understand what you mean Unflux, Rev, but I do not totally agree.

as for this templates. (I just saw the first one) I’ll not download them. The just aren’t that good. it’s cool you want to share them; but they just aren’t that good.

Hope I’m not offending someone.

(Forgive my bad english too;) )

*Originally posted by redGolgi *
**i’ll sell meat on a stick and beer…

please please please battle, oh pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease **

I dont know what would be better…

Meat on a stick and beer…or UNFLUX schooling htmlpro in a battle.

I think a battle would be smooth arse shizzle. :slight_smile:

Well the battle would be with “liam” but i’m sure htmlpro could join to if he wanted.

And meat on a stick is always good. Chicken, Pork, Beef. Put it on a stick and u have a winning combination. Deep Fry it and put it on a stick and you have gold in your hands.

my sentiments exactly :thumb: