let’s all just let this post die…
(yes I relize that I just posted in here, but it’s at the top anyway )
let’s all just let this post die…
(yes I relize that I just posted in here, but it’s at the top anyway )
*Originally posted by sintax321 *
**Well the battle would be with “liam” but i’m sure htmlpro could join to if he wanted.
And meat on a stick is always good. Chicken, Pork, Beef. Put it on a stick and u have a winning combination. Deep Fry it and put it on a stick and you have gold in your hands. **
I meant Liam…
Just cant get that darn htmlpro out my head
heheh, fester, youre a wicked pissa
You dont get much more bostinaian than that.
So when you taking me fishing?
*Originally posted by redGolgi *
touche **
you think that’s funny golgi? let me just wander over to redgolgi.com and…wait! you have nothing on your site either!
im redesigning.
and unflux, i’m sorry i misenterpreted your post, i’ll just keep my mouth shut next time.
oh, and: LINK REMOVED show some maturity.
show some maturity?
i was just letting him know that i posted a battle thread…
and you guys deleted that thread why? what’s going on??
*Originally posted by liam *
**you think that’s funny golgi? let me just wander over to redgolgi.com and…wait! you have nothing on your site either!
not like i need to defend myself to you, but i do have a site. many actually. you just have to be smart enough to find it.
*Originally posted by liam *
**show some maturity?
i was just letting him know that i posted a battle thread…
and you guys deleted that thread why? what’s going on?? **
also, i dunno what he said in there, so it may have been offensive, but please please please let the battle take place oh most wonderful of mods…
cmon, let unflux kick some butt… heheheh
*Originally posted by fester8542 *
**You dont get much more bostinaian than that.
So when you taking me fishing? **
:beam: as soon as i get back from my spontaneous trip to AZ
If we could stop insulting each other for a while please?
I don’t particularly care who started it, but give it a break. I’m not going to sit here and watch everyone throwing insults and criticism back and forth.
gives Kit a high five
I’m with you sister, this is bullcrap!
Let’s go have a drink
also, i dunno what he said in there, so it may have been offensive, but please please please let the battle take place oh most wonderful of mods…
golgi, i didn’t post anything offensive, that’s why im puzzled. it was merely a link to the battle thread i created. and in that battle thread, i just said something like: “let’s create a showcase site or presentation, blah blah…”
nothing offensive there.
The pity is that all your cat fights made this guy leave the forums. Gawd I thought Kirupaforum com was supposed to be nice and friendly but instead older members just jerk the n00bs. Comon all of you - this guy probably hasnt been on the forums long enough to check the level of (y)our work. He was only trying to help.
Oh well. :crazy: need some alcohol. sad friday evening.
let this thread die out, or lock it
No more squabbling.
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