Game Idea for Xbox 360

I was playing the Xbox as any day, Re-dreaming the Dreams of Project :: Zombies when it hit me. I still got all the bits and bobs from the Project :: Zombies Xbox 360 Project on XNA, I think I could build upon it and make a like a tiny-rip off of HOME but you can go to the cinema and watch the movies I’ve found which have lost their copyright :beam: (Night of the Living Dead.etc) and have like an VR arcadw where the only game is Project :: Zombies and like a Music place. So anyone intrested? Any bands want their music on an Xbox Live Game? So in short words, I’m changing Project :: Zombies to a Virtual Mini-Mall where you can either watch some copyright-lost movies, meet with people or play Project :: Zombies, Hopefully all online! Don’t worry, I’m ready now! :flower:
