Hey Guys!
Not sure where to post this, but here it goes. Now, i’ve moved its time to bring back Proejct :: Zombies. But I think its should be called Project :: Ressurection, 'cause that sounds cooler. Anyway, I’m going to try at my school for any ‘talent’ as they seem to be pretty talented. I hope Evildrummer will come back wherever you are. (if you’re reading this the sub-domain name is still perfect) Anyway, for those whos never heard of Project :: Ressurection, (Project :: Zombies) its a Kirupian Project, which originally started on Flash but has not been re-started onto Visual c# so that we can put it on Xbox 360 and PC. Don’t worry if you’re intrested just say that you are and also, don’t worry if you’ve got no exprience in Visual C#, I havent! :s: Its just one of those team-building things, but they’re MAY be money involved at the end (if we realese it commerically on Xbox Live)
-Ryan Shah
PS If you DO have experience in Visual C# You’d be essential to us!