Your Idea's

I am loosing my mind here.

Ok I am making this stick shooting game so far so good.

But i dunno some things like…

Should there be blood
should the enemies have head Shots(Having trouble there)
Should the player be seeable like in 3rd person view
Should the player have 100 healh Points or 50 or 30 etc.
SHould the player have lives
Shoule The game Have An interface.

See this is your job is to tell me if those ideas are great and name ones you would want on the game and name the ones from the list above of what ones shouldebt be on the game.

I just started this game like 30min ago this is it here

Should there be blood yes, but option to turn it off
should the enemies have head Shots(Having trouble there) yes
Should the player be seeable like in 3rd person view no
Should the player have 100 healh Points or 50 or 30 etc. 100
SHould the player have lives no
Shoule The game Have An interface yes

  1. I wouldn’t use blood in a stick person shooter

  2. Every flash stick person shooter i’ve played, when you get shot, you see the bullet impact on your screen. So it’s like they’re all headshots. I wouldn’t make it with headshots.

  3. No, first person is better.

  4. Doesn’t matter. If he has 10,000 health and each bullet does 1,000 dmg, then thats the same as 10 health and 1 dmg bullets. But I’d use 100 health just to make it more normal. Then do bullet dmg like random 1-4 + 15. Random bullet dmg makes it seem much cooler :).

  5. Depends on difficulty. Make difficulty settings. Easy = 3 lives. Hard = 0.

  6. Depends if you wanna take the time to make one.

Reloading by clicking off screen or a reload button in the bottom of screen.

Screen turns a light red color when you get shot.

Thanks guys only 2 people replyieng is enogh for this game.

I will see what will happen to your guys’s help.


np :slight_smile:

Also one more question should there be the arm showing with the gun or just the crosshair’

i think just the crosshair is cooler :slight_smile:
also, i think it definitely needs and interface. with all the good ideas and stuff i think it will be cool when you’re done. :beam:

have you ever played “ABUSE”?

who him? or me?

btw, fluid, i love your avatar and footer… gas masks r cool :thumb:

No what is abuse