It's been way too long since I've made a Red Dwarf thread!

When Food Attacks:

The evil ‘Low’ crew have a fridge that would make even the hardened space bum’s stomach churn - cinema hot-dogs and sweaty kebabs with stringy brown lettuce. Meanwhile, the future crew of Out of Time have been indulging in the most rare - and morally questionable - meals the world has to offer, including dolphin sweetmeats, roast suckling elephant and baby seal hearts stuffed with dove paté. Yikes!

click here for the article


is this a devotee site for some Brit TV show ? … (never heard of it),
… some funny stuff tho ::

Traditionally, food is often used as part of a celebration, and in this, at least, the Dwarfers are relatively normal. Rimmer was given a deathday cake in the shape of a spanner, because he had been a technician. Thank heavens he wasn’t a gynaecologist.


do you get KTEH out of San Jose?


nope …

I’m up in the Sac

actually I rarely watch tv (usually dvd’s if at all)

Ahhh, Red Dwarf goodness. Nice one Rev. :slight_smile:

I am now the proud ownder of season one on DVD, complete with all the little extra bits, interviews, outtakes, sound clips and whatnot. Absolutely fantastic. :beam:

It’s got a mini documentary about how the series got started, including a chat with Peter Ridsdale-Scott, the guy who gave the show the go-ahead. :slight_smile:

If you haven’t got it, why not? :slight_smile:

Now, would anyone like any toast?

name this episode!

Archeologists near mount Sinai have discovered what is believed to be a
missing page from the Bible. The page is currently being carbon dated
in Bonn. If genuine it belongs at the beginning of the Bible and is
believed to read “To my darling Candy. All characters portrayed within
this book are fictitous and any resemblance to persons living or dead
is purely coincidental.” The page has been universally condemned by
church leaders.

“Better Than Life”. :beam:

w00t! well done kit. You wanna quote one?


I wan’t episode, series and character whos speaking:

Moral of the story is: appreciate what you’ve got, cos basically… I’m fantastic

Queeg, series 2, Holly (played by Norman, NOT Hattie)

spot on!

yay! my turn again

“Call it extreme if you like, but I propose we hit it hard and hit it fast with a major - and I mean major - leaflet campaign.”

polymorph, series 3? rimmer

yup! nice one :slight_smile:

probably not word perfect:

It thinks we’re either a threat, food or a mate - it’s gonna either kill us, eat us or hump us. We either persuade it we’re not that kind of oceanic salvage vessel or we scarper, pronto

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
It’s got a mini documentary about how the series got started, including a chat with Peter Ridsdale-Scott, the guy who gave the show the go-ahead. :slight_smile:
Met him :beam:

I know, that’s why I mentioned it. :beam:

And the quote is Lister from “Back To Reality” when they encounter the despair squid. :slight_smile:

good show…

can’t wait for the film…


We’ve managed to turn this into the Red Dwarf quotes thread. :slight_smile:

Speaking of which… :beam: Name this episode:

“Step up to blue alert!”

“Are you sure sir? It does mean changing the bulb…”