It seems these days that just about every single site you go to has “ads by google” on it.
Even Kirupa has them.
Now I am all for everyone making a buck off their web site if they can.
And I have no objections to the google ads at the bottom of kirupa pages. (though the top Google banner stands out more than the kirupa menu)
Or other sites that have them clearly marked or seperate.
But more and more websites are making their google ads look like their own site content. Obvioulsy this will generate more and more clicks. But when I visit a site I dont want to waste my time checking to see if I am looking at hidden google ads or site content.
From now on the moment I visit a site that has tried to hide its ads within it’s content I am outta there.
And it is Google who has made this possible for their own benifit.
And lets not consider Googles going back on its China issue.
For me Google is losing it shine… And thats what made it what it is…