Losing its Flavor

I used to think kirupa.com was a good site but now It has become too bogged-down with a spam look and feel.

I am going to stop referring people to this site because I don’t want the rep that I refer people to a site that has a lot of advertisements etc. :deranged: I clicked on some of the advertisements and I am ashamed that kirupa allowed such sites to have a place here.

This site used to be about learning but now it looks like kirupa is all about making money off his site. I used to tell all the user groups that I head to go here and learn about AS, Flash, Graphics, etc. but the site has become the exact thing that I tell people not to visit. :td: I always tell my clients and friends, if you get to a site that has a lot of advertisements or links to off-sites, get out of there immediately. Now if you take a look at kirupa homepage, it has turned into what I tell people to avoid in websites.

The site needs to be cleaned up. It’s too cluttered and I don’t like it anymore. :puzzle:

There will be a redesigned version that takes ads into account. The current design was designed with no ads in mind, but it had to scale to match the amount of traffic [U]growth[/U] the site keeps experiencing. The site also goes through about 10-20GB of bandwidth a day :wink:

10 to 20 GB! :wasted:

Kirupa.com has been one of the most helpful thigns I have come across from the web. Not only has he got this great community- I have made a lot of friends from around the world (which I have never met), and recieved a lot of help and advice from here.

WTH do ya mean it USED to be a good site? It keeps getting better IMO. I just laugh when I see members like the pwned dude come in and have a complain- sure they think they know something- but have THEY got a site as sucessful as mr K?

One could only dream of it :slight_smile:

I know If it wasn’t for kirupa I would have never met Darkmotion.
He has helped me alot with my work and He is one of the reasons I have gotten so good.
And Harish also helped me alot I admit he is a really tough critique but he has helped alot.

Errr…I’ve seen pwned mentioned a lot but I’m sorta guessing it’s a bad thing to happen to someone?

On the subject of ads, I was surprised when I saw the changes a while back (long before I joined the forum) but hey, that’s the way of the world…you get nothing for free but what you do get ain’t worth having.

Anyway, since the IE active-x update those ads at the top of the screen don’t work until they’ve been clicked first. Personally, I think it was a really nice move by Kirupa to build in that safety net :wink:

Really? I’d like to see what you refer your “clients” to then aside from Kirupa that generates as much traffic or help. Maybe you can help w/ suggestions on how better to improve on a free service to the devoted to the public. When you go into a thread do you get popups or sth? Just curious about what is to much, cause when I’m actually in the threads all there is, is a very small amount of ads at the very top, which are very unobtrusive. Feedback is always welcome. But lets not get it twisted this is a community devoted of people devoted to the community.

:slight_smile: awww thats all goey heheh

adds? lol I never even see them:mountie:

hahah the bar is only like 10 pixels high hahah

It took me ~10 minutes to find some ads :rabbit:

Kirupa rocks, keep up the good work kMan =)

have you noticed, kirupa doesn’t accept donations either, not that I know of, this site has been built out of true heart.

Well then, I guess I don’t need to say anything.
Our fellow Kirupians *absolutely *nailed that task :thumb:

Another point: Kirupa goes to MIT, one of the most expensive and prestigious institutions in the United States (and world for that matter). Imagine if you had to pay $46,550 a year for tuition without any sort of financial support.

He has worked his ___ for this site by putting tons and tons and tons of hours into it. For you to say that this site is “losing its flavor,” is just plain ignorant and sheer stupidity.

Well said SlowRoasted! :hugegrin: “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!”

-Bigmtnskier (a *proud *kirupian) :kommie:

this is the Official Ownage Thread.


Go back to flashkit where there are no ads :sigh:


thats it I am linking this thread in my sig.
so much pwnage:lol:


i think you also have to differentiate between kirupa.com and the forums. the forum pages have extremely subtle ads. at this point, i really don’t notice the ads. in fact, before posting i had to scan the page to figure out where they even existed.

sure, the kirupa.com homepage and tutorial pages have more ads, but those are still pretty obvious and given that the pages are content-rich, i don’t really mind them.

:lol: @ rhamej.