What is the best image format to be imported into Flash and why? GIF, JPEG or BITMAP?

.png cause flaSh supports that 100% then jpg gif or bitmap alkl werk fineā€¦ithink. but png is the best

It depends on what your using the image for and what kind of image.
If you want to import a photo or photo-like image into flash, then Jpeg would be the best quality and size wise compared to other formats.
cartoonish images, or images that need transparency should be imported as a png or gif file.
i dunno about bmp files though

hope that helped (im abit of a noob) =P

Like png would be the best format to bring into flash , and then you set 70-80 percent jpeg compression in flash.

check this link. even though here im helping in flash 5 same applies for MX.