So it’s 4 AM, here and I’m not asleep because?!..
Well, my RA (resident assistant) knocked a candle (which is illegal to have in the dorms) over and onto his rug. It lit the thing on fire. I hear alarms, and I get my stuff to leave the room. My one roommate tells me it’s ok because the alarms weren’t as loud as they normally are and not to worry about anything. Then we smell smoke… Then smoke is ALL OVER our floor, and it’s all over our room.
So now I’ve got a smokey dorm and a top bunk to boot! Gee, don’t I feel safe sleeping now?..
Friday the 13th was a nice day for me, but Valentine’s Day? It’s been a good run of bad luck so far…
I ask the girl I walked around campus with Monday night if she’d like to do something after work tomorrow/now today, and she tells me no.
So I’ve got a smoke filled room, I’m real dizzy (either from the smoke, or the fact that I’ve been up for 20 hours), and I don’t have a Valentine. Those 4 bonus points I got in biology class today/now yesterday seem so insignificant now
Perhaps I’ll die in my sleep, and life will be easier :sigh: