Gooood Morning

Another pointless day at work is upon us.
How is everyone on this crisp February morning?


fine-and-dandy-like-sour-candy! :stuck_out_tongue:

~HA! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m working on my forum… still =)

I like working on it :slight_smile:

im not aloud running forums on my server.
boo on terms of service. :scream:

why aren’t you allowed to do THAT?

cause its against their TOS.
Which I didnt read.
I dont get enough people to my site as it is, so im not that worried. But the option was there. But now, alas, it is not.

But they have kick @$$ customer serivce, and all the rest. the site went down for about a day or something, what did they do? 6 months of free hosting. Thats pretty rootin tootin good. I do say.


If my site goes down, I don’t get anything… except more downtime…

but alas, I pay 2$ per month for hosting, so… :slight_smile:

meh, I payed 5$/month which is canadian.
but i payed the whole year (which isnt good, i know) and so i got like 20% off because i payed in advance.

so american, it would be like 3$ or something…which is pretty ■■■■ good. but they switched up hosting and stuff, so its a bit more expensive… but not a lot.