
Hello! :cyborg:

I was hoping that I could ask a question, mostly on people’s opinion on something. It is about graphics and what programs to use. As Kirupa and some you may do, I use Microsoft Image Composer 1.5. I have been using that program ever since I started using Microsoft Frontpage 98, which is about 3-4 years ago. During that time, I have pretty much mastered the program and can do almost anything in it. But not too long ago, my dad bought Adobe Photoshop 7.0 which I hear so many times is the best for graphics. I enjoy using Microsoft Image Composer because it works well with Frontpage and because I am used to it. Do you think that Photoshop is really that much better than Image Composer and I should use that as my main graphics program?

Ive never heard of microsoft image composer but photoshop is a really good program with a lot of powerful tools, you should definately try it out!

yeah i use PS and its the best thing on earth. Its power is unconciveble. If you are really serious about getting into graphic design and web, you should really learn it, you wont be sorry. On the otherhand i too havent ever heard of MS IC…

My advice to you is, stick with what you’re good at. I’ve seen some pretty crazy stuff from MS Paint so it’s not about the program, it’s about the user.

If you’ve mastered composer then stick with it, but if you would like to experiment then check out PS.

In terms of popularity, PS is just more popular than composer that’s all.

I personally use PS and stick with it because I’m comfortable with it. People have told me to switch to Fireworks, but why should I?

Image composer is ok, but its not quite as good as photoshop. Use image composer for work, and learn photoshop on the side.

horrible advice. but ok, If you intend on ever getting into serious GFX learn photoshop. using composer is fine but photoshop is 100% worth learning. dont be scared, just jump in and learn.

photoshop is the industry-standard after all… definitely worth learning

*Originally posted by vts31 *
horrible advice.

My advice is horrible, don’t listen to me. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna run along and play with my MS Paint now. :beam: