Ground Control II Clan

Happy b-day

I made this map

Whoa that looks cool!
Can’t wait!

Hey Sushi that’s a pretty sweet map u got going! :stuck_out_tongue:

From what I can see in the pic the map looks sweet, did you make it rain in the editor? WC3 kicks *** any day :love:

Obviously gh0st lol.

Man warcraft3 isn’t anything compared to this game, so strategic, and masses are huge! I love the battle scenes.

My map L337P0WNXX0R5J00! Can someone tell me WTF is going on here?

it’s under construction

oh. lolz. that’s what i thought.

I dont know what it is about Warcraft but I like that more, I hate to sound stubborn but there isnt anything you can say to make me like GC2 better :upset:

Not saying it is a bad game at all! It is far far away from being a semi-bad game.
In my opinion im saying that I like warcraft a bit more

dont wanna start an arguement about it either…

Lol too bad you haven’t even played the game

I play it, I have it downloaded at my house and have played games here, played games at Jim’s house and then played even more at Joe’s house

No… You haven’t played it. You played a demo, you don’t even know what the game is like. It’ll beat the stupid warcraft3 anyday. No more of that buildings crap, and those stupid rushes! It’s all about strategy now!!! Real strategy! :wink:

Well than in that case, from what Ive played I like Warcraft better

Lol, you do that.

GCII my game guys, WC isn’t bad but I think GC looks way cooler, and i dont like building houses with little guys who say “oh! yes me lord!” ya kno!?

Yeah and I like the thought of that you have to focus on your military power, not stupid farms…

Why are you still fighting about it, who are you trying to convince?

That would be you. But, it doesn’t matter.

My map is different now, it’s better.

You guys need to buy the full game so we can play it.

What did you change about it?

I made 2 more Vp… it was too easy to win. And i got rid of those green lights… they made it lag.