Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising

Any of you guys played this? I played the demo and hated it, but bought it the other day and it kicks some MAJOR *** online, especially with the new patches. It’s made by Novalogic. I’d definitly reccomend checking out the new demo (patched).

I thought the demo was worthy only of a plastic trash can. Really? Good? NO WAY.

Ill give it a go though i guess, in the mean time, Ground Control 2 is god, like never before.

Oh man I saw this game too. I didn’t feel like downlaod the demo, becuase it looked like crap. Sushi, get it, and spill me the info on how it is.

I played the original demo as was disappointed, but the more I got into the game, I realized how deep it is. Great MP.

Well, my freind Jacob says it’s pretty cool. And i respect his opinion. But if you are gonna spend $50, spend it on Ground Control 2.

Oh, and while i’m at it. Go ahead and DL the FULL VERSION of the first Ground Control. Real old, but still real cool.

Ground Control 2 rocks. Both games are on sale at Fry’s Electronics for 29.99. Bought both. :wink: I’m probobly going to pick up City of Heros soon too. I’ve heard a lot of good things.

YYYYYYYAAAAAAAYY! Disco, what is your Massgate SN so i can add you to my freinds and we can hook up some time. I can email you my maps too if you want em!