Gun Metal

please don;t do that. I get confused. if you like it DON"T say anything bad. I don’t read the whole post.

ah! well serves you right then! :stuck_out_tongue:


(again, a joke :))

I think I might just put [size=24]JOKE HERE =>[/size] next time :wink:

*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**ah! well serves you right then! :stuck_out_tongue:


(again, a joke :))

I think I might just put [size=24]JOKE HERE =>[/size] next time :wink: **

That ruins the fun :stuck_out_tongue:


hehehe, so true… but then at least i dont get flamed… :slight_smile:

actually, it’s fun seeing who and who doesnt get the old ‘brit dry wit’ :wink:

flamed??? brit dry wit???

I don’t spead alot of time here. whats do theses terms mean?

flamed is when people get angry at you and says stuff for something you said, whether with or without reason.

brit dry wit is british dry humor :wink:

aww man… does someone wanna take over? :wink:

convered in my previous post :wink:

o ok…

thanks lost :wink:

lost showed me this version the other day -

all i know, is out of the 3 designs I have seen you make for your
site, this is BY FAR the best one. I was blown away at the last
one, but this gunmetal version is superb man. :!:

Your sites always have all the characteristics you preach to the
noobies here, so I honestly don’t have any complaints. Visually
it’s very stimulating and astounding. I never get bored during
the transitions, and that’s really important to me in a flash site.

Basically, the reason I like this one so much, is I think it actually
fits you, your name, your identity, and from what I know, your
personality. Excellent job sir.

Seeing this quality of work inspires me, always. Thanks for that,
cuz I’ve been needing a jumpstart lately. =)

Wow Unflux, that’s probably one of the “bestest” compliments I’ve recieved so far! ahha you get 10 extra brownie points and the $.50 check is in the mail, spend it wisely. :wink:

I’m sure there’s others on this forum that gets tired of my jibberish and the stuff I preach, but I try to back it up as well with my work.

I’m glad you guys like it because I’ve spent countless hours cussing and swearing in front of the comp to get where I am now. :stuck_out_tongue:

If you guys have any questions about my site, please direct them towards Lostinbeta, he’s the one that makes it possible. He has helped me with a lot of the coding.

runs and hide before lost kicks my arse :trout:

Awsome site EG!!!

i like the new style, it is really cool. I like the cool effects to. :slight_smile:

Alex, you get no brownie points and I’m sending you to your room! haha :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**If you guys have any questions about my site, please direct them towards Lostinbeta, he’s the one that makes it possible. He has helped me with a lot of the coding.

runs and hide before lost kicks my arse :trout: **


*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Alex, you get no brownie points and I’m sending you to your room! haha :stuck_out_tongue: **

cant happen, im trying to pull an all nighter:P

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
Wow Unflux, that’s probably one of the “bestest” compliments I’ve recieved so far! ahha you get 10 extra brownie points and the $.50 check is in the mail, spend it wisely. :wink:

I only compliment what deserves to be complimented! Your site
rocks man, no question.

Brownie POINTS? You said BROWNIES!! No nuts tho ok?

50 cents?! that’s all I get for all those nice things I said? hmmph.
Never working for YOU again, you cheapskate! :trout:

**I’m sure there’s others on this forum that gets tired of my jibberish and the stuff I preach, but I try to back it up as well with my work. **

i don’t.

good usability is so key to any good site IMO. You tend to see
and post similar things that I do, so a lot of times you take my
posts - so stop that! :wink:

**I’m glad you guys like it because I’ve spent countless hours cussing and swearing in front of the comp to get where I am now. **

I know that time and place very well. It’s definitely a love-hate
thing. I love the results, but sometimes I hate the process.

**If you guys have any questions about my site, please direct them towards Lostinbeta **

haha - can i put that on my support page for my site?

did u make the layout in photoshop?

very nice btw :smiley:

I made it using Cinema 4D, did some modifications and chopped it up in photoshop.

Thanks for the comments everyone. =)