I jest have a problem with the chromeless window. i have done like it says in www.kirupa.com/developer/...erless.asp but whan i klick on my flash buton I jest get a Internet Explorer window and in the addres window it says
javascript: openIT(‘Warp.html’,450,250,null,null,‘mywinname01’);
Well… I’m not sure, but I know that tutorial works because I’ve gone through it and it worked for me.
Try starting over from scratch, and follow the tutorial slowly, step by step. If you come across a line of the tutorial that is confusing, then ask what that line of the tut means…
A) are you sure your javascript code is correct?
B) have you checked all the names ie “mywinname01”
i dont get it … i have done exactely like the tutorial but it dosent worke. but in the HTML file i dont whant any SWF file, I whant it to be a picture.
what do you mean with
B) have you checked all the names ie “mywinname01” ??
Well a local computer does not operate exactly like a server. I would try uploading the whole thing first and see if it works that way. I have been having problems with my comp and am unable to really do this easily.
If it’s what i think, the solution is really SOoo°… simple!
I looked at what’s in your zip, and if I’m not mistaken what you’re trying to do is open the chromeless by clicking the button in the swf, right?
Well, the pb is, the swf NEEDS TO BE EMBEDDED IN HTML for the call to the open it function to work!!
Make another page, insert the swf, and try it again, works like a charm (xcept 4 the missing close bn graphic…)!
So: one page with swf + jscript function next to the script should do it.
I don’t think so, that’d mean you’d need to put ALL of the chromeless script in Flash in the getUrl, Flash needs the function in the html to call the script!