This is a question that is directed at the web designers/developers and graphic designers out there but could be applied to pretty much any situation.
Do you ever feel that you should find something else to do, or think “forget it, I am tired of trying to keep up with all the stuff out there and there is no way I can compete with that high end stuff. I should just find a nice factory job and turn my mind off for 8 hours a day and collect a nice little pay cheque”
I mean, I know I am not the best desginer in the world and that I have a lot to learn but I do feel that I have talent and that I am pretty good at my job. But somedays it just seems like all the headaches and always having people trying to one up you and having to try and keep up with everything thats’ new and great out there get’s tiring. I love my job as a graphic designer / web designer and wouldnt want to do anything else but some days I wonder if it’s worth it ya know.
Maybe this is just a stupid rant and I am alone here but does anyone else ever have the same feelings?
well I have one of the “turn your mind off for 8 hours a day” job. Every day when I go, I just work on graphic/web design :). So i guess I have the best of both worlds: I get a paycheck for turning my mind off but I also get to dabble in what I love.
You have to reach a sort of Zen state with yourself. You can continue to study, but you are not going to keep up with people, like Jubba, Lost, Ahmed, (insert annoying little genius’ name here), etc. You just don’t have the time, plus they have skipped a bunch of stuff that is obsolete now, so they don’t have to “convert” what they have already learned.
But, you can continue to learn, keep up with the trends, and just realize that there is going to be some 14 yr old out there willing to do your job for 1/2 of your pay, but you have many other talents that more than make up for your lack of youth/new knowledge.
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
Nom Myoho Rengke Ho
graphic designing - multemedia creations vary so much, it’s a job which always feels new, you always have to create new goals to achieve and are proud when you achieve them
the only thing I despise about it is that you always have to be on top of the technology wave - I for instance haven’t learned PHP and I feel so behind everybody else - as well as people who’ll have the new PS or newflash when i’ll have the older versions…
I know one thing for sure. I will never work 40 hours a week behind some desk processing paperwork for some company. I just don’t want to spend my life doing paperwork for some company so that at the end of 40 years I can retire. I wanna do something that is interesting and fun.
mlk - I am not saying that a factory job turns me on, in fact it’s the one thing I never ever want to do. I have seen countless friends and family members get sucked into mindless drone jobs just because of the pay cheque and it’s the very last thing I ever want for myself. I am just saying - somethings you sit and think… what if.
I also see what you mean with the whole PHP thing, I have infact tried to learn it but I just dont have the time to sit there with a book and teach myself. It’s like there is always work to be done on another project or I have someplace to go and just cant sit there for 4 hours and learn somthing I am not getting paid for. I want to know it, very bad, I just dont have the availabilty to learn it I guess.
REV, thanks for the words of encouragment man… I guess you are right, there are many things that I have that others dont who may be better than me in other aspects, sometimes I just dont see it. It’s hard to concentrate on the positives when you are only seeing negatives at some points.
It’s just good to get out and vent once in a while and see that others are in the same boat. It makes the voyage a little nicer