Jan. 15 — In the far north of North Korea, in remote locations not far from the borders with China and Russia, a gulag not unlike the worst labor camps built by Mao and Stalin in the last century holds some 200,000 men, women and children accused of political crimes. A month-long investigation by NBC News, including interviews with former prisoners, guards and U.S. and South Korean officials, revealed the horrifying conditions these people must endure - conditions that shock even those North Koreans accustomed to the near-famine conditions of Kim Jong Il’s realm.
that is just part of the artical, if you want the full one click here
I urge you all to get involved an put an end to this, i am trying to right now but dont know a sure way. if anyone can help me with a place i can go to get involved please let me know.
did you join the army when they showed all the “terrors” in Afghanistan? if not then join now lol…i think they are simply preparing the people for war…always starts in stages =) but thats just cynical old me
wether it’s sad, or hipocritical or whatever - it’s still wrong and it’s still terrible. I know what you mean Mike - this is a horrifying thing and just thank god you aren’t in one of those camps. As Phil said - this is, unfortunatly, the way of the war… disgusting.