I know a certain magazine that’ll pull a prank this year…
good one for you to pull your self, pulled this prank on my sister one year…man she was pissed :lol:
anyway get 5 alarm clocks, just cheap ones they only have to work one time. Set one of them to go off at 3:20 AM and another at 3:30 AM and another at 3:40 AM and so on and so on. Then hide them around someones bedroom. Places they wouldn’t think of but somewhere they’ll hear the alarms and not accidentally find before they go to bed.
I thought it was funny as hell…she didn’t
Haha! thats awsome. I heard a couple of guys did that at our school library last year. A number of times actually, they put them up in the ceiling. They also used thoose personal alarm things once (you know the ones u pull the string and are really really loud), rigged up a string out the back window and pulled it from outside. Classic! Although as soon as hed done it, they suspected him.
We did that one too. We put them all over the library in between the stacks. It was great. :beam:
Remember a certain helpful drink?
wich book?.. i didn’t know because i made it from a drawing done while i was in college…
Oh yeah! that was the one i was thinking about. Now that was classic, not sure if that many people believed it that much though, was a little far fetched.
the book beast I saw It the other day in the library it had that same illistration on the side
[ot] nice new avatar slowroasted[/ot]
[ot]you noticed too, darkmotion:)[/ot]
remember google’s mind reading one?
btw, here’s a link to googles april fools jokes
pig latin? I don’t get it
Kirupa probally has like a april fools sections that him and the mods can see.
Its just like April Fools Idea.
Seriously I think that.
Yeah, I’m sure there’s a thread titled: April Fools ideas
Actually, they are just going to have me eat all your babies.
:lol: i thought last yrs was pretty good. i think i may have submitted one, and said sth like… i want to be mod so i can ban ppl! :lol: mod applications :lol: that’s good stuff
Dadgumit tele - don’t tell them.
:lol: :thumb2:
Ah-ha! :cowbell:
Seriously though, what evil thing do you guys have planned? You can tell me. Will it cause someone to leave the forums this year too?