
Ok this is a bit lame but what everyone’s?

Ok i’ll start 5’11 145

I Hate been that tall…:frowning: btw why is my MOM,DAD,SISTER,BROTHER are all between 5’1-5’6? am i a freak?

i’m 6’3

AL? and your 16? WOW how tall are your MOM&DAD?

i dont get my hight from any of them, im the tallest in my family. :slight_smile:

5’11" 160 kilograms

6’, dunno weight, slim

  • Soul :s:

5 foot 3, and about 7 1/2 stone I think. No idea what that is in weird measurements. :slight_smile:

5 foot 4 inches (13 years old)
When I get angry: 12 foot 3 inches/3tons

6’1" 196 lbs…my goal is 225 lbs with under 10% bodyfat :slight_smile:


Teet you lost all your sexy avs and footer and stuff :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

6’2’’ 14 Stone. 194lbs.

Kit, it’s 14lbs for every stone in weird measurement.

Ah, thank you. :slight_smile:

In that case, 5ft 3 and 105lbs ish. :slight_smile:

I’m .1 tons.

and .01 km.

i’m 13 years old, 6’0" , and 135 lbs.

(edit: 100% of manly muscle :wink: )

i guess that’d be about 3 meters, and 20 kg.

i’m ickle…ish… 5’7" (i think… total guess) and about 135lbs :slight_smile:

i’m about 1m90 (can’t be bothered to measure it inches :wink: ) and bout 64 kg would be bout 120 lbs i guess

I am currently oval, quickly becoming a sphere…


*Originally posted by IshiXP *
**5 foot 4 inches (13 years old)
When I get angry: 12 foot 3 inches/3tons **

Son of Hulk! :!:

I’m like 5’3 115 pounds

(yeah I’m short, but I’m 14)

I am 6’ 1" 185lbs :wink:

*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**I am currently oval, quickly becoming a sphere…

Rev **

ahhahaa - good one old man :slight_smile:

I am 6 feet tall and 255 - but I have dropped and 13 pounds in the last 3 weeks and hope to contine on down this path :wink: My goal weight is 220 hopefully by christmas - I have a very broad build with wide shoulders and calfs the size of tree trunks - prolly from carrying all this extra weight around :slight_smile: