Hello out there?

It’s been like 20 minutes since someone has posted here in random… its freakin me out man… im gonna start twitching


hello :slight_smile: I would troll the forums now, but I have to study for some test I have tomorrow. The joys of school…

I should be doing homework… but ya know… flash is just more important… or im just really lazy… but at least someones out there!
go K-man!

lol i havent looked at home work all weekend
=) im going to save that for 1 in the morning:P

thats healthy
what grade are you in?


wooohoo a little kiddie like me
im in 10th by the way
im gonna shove you in a locker you little freshman:bad: :stuck_out_tongue:
ok you can come out now

if you give me your lunch money

wooohoo a little kiddie like me
im in 10th by the way
im gonna shove you in a locker you little freshman:bad: :stuck_out_tongue:
ok you can come out now

if you give me your lunch money

oh sure… just cuz i wanna beat up alex… no one talks anymore… fine… ill spare him for some speaking

i realized that i reply to myself a lot
oh well
this thread needs to die

I think you need to have your doctor increase your medication…

i think your right

so hows it goin over in actionscript? long time no talk

oh crap again… this thread isnt dying…



i have the feeling you dont hang around too many with a large assortment of disorders… like add and adhd and caffeine

Right… Wow… Random Acts of Spamdom… hehe…

Chill bro… And what’s homework?!

ok… the hyper wore off

i dunno what homework is… i never do it
all my time is consumed by either work or this here random section…


  1. ADD does not exist. It is actually called ADHD. I have it. My g/f has it. My nephews have it. My roommate has it. I know what its like. :slight_smile:

  2. Caffiene ruined my life. :slight_smile: Too much coffee… not enough sleep…

add seriously doesnt exist?
cuz i thought my brother had it… cuz he was on medication… and now im confused
isnt it like attention defisit disorder or something?

ADD does indeed exist. It stands for Attention Deficit Disorder and most kids have it.

whoa… i was right about something?