I’ve been an avid reader for sometime thanks for all the info. My question is how to start a site like this one. www.maverick.com I’m wanting to implement several of the same instance. The movie player, the band list, etc. where would a in depth tutorial or open flash be to begin playing with this type of scripting? Thanks for answering my vague question.
Well that site doesn’t appear to have any kind of advanced actionscripting, but I can tell you now that a lot of work has been put in to have everything work flawlessly together.
I think the best thing for you to do is to learn one thing at a time, take it step by step before you jump into the deep end of the pool.
You can start out by doing the full flash site tutorial on this site, it will introduce you to loading methods and how to set a frame work for a flash site. Here is the link to the tutorial.
If you get stuck or have questions then post them back here. Good luck. =)
Love your site by the way. I’m sure I’ll have a couple questions down the road.
No problem and Welcome to Kirupa, I hope you’ll stick around. =)
Electrongeek doesn’t know what he is talking about.
Except this time.
He is exactly right.
That site looks like alot of time was spent on it, but all it in timeline management and maybe some tweens.
And the only thing cool about his site is the preloader.
and mabey the gifs and the design is nice too.
Plus the flash is well laid out.
But that’s it…
Oh, the gallery is cool.
Plus there is alot of interesting links, but thats it.
Except the flash stuff, it’s ok too.
rynoe: I really like your footer. What did you use to do that? I’m assuming the drawing API; curveTo, etc… but I could be wrong…I usually am…
OF COURSE api and curve to.
and a loop inside a loop with for next and a random color.
inside i-10.
It’s pretty simple really.
its neat. I played with it for about 15 minutes the other day…
I was reeeeeally bored…
I don’t understand why people like that so much!
I have done other things I worked hours on and I get ho hums.
this thing took about 10 minutes and everyone asks about it.
I give up!
ahha well well well…glad you could join us again Rynoe. hahah:P
nice to hear from you again to you flash addicted kirupa dependant sum a’ bietch!