Help installing WinXP Theme

Ok guys i got this skin over at 's forums. but see i followed the directions to installing but it wont show up on my seletion list. i know unflux has this skin its called Classix 10k if anyone else has this skin and had troubble installing it please help!

Basically, you have to hack a file called uxtheme.dll. Search google for that file and you will come across loads of instructions for how to change it.

Also, is the file a .msstyles or a .theme file?

i asked the boards that i got it at and they said the same thing, but i got style xp and it works great now! i cant belive how much i love this style! w00t.

yeah i odnt want to go around chaning files…to risky :-\

thanks anyway though!

here are some links of it, this is soo sweet!

It’s nice, but not my kind of thing :stuck_out_tongue: I’m trying to make one :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

u wanna see a really cool theme?
check out lynchknot’s panther theme and his smooth stripes
ooooh, pretty!!!

mdipi:that theme is sweet! can i have the link to it? :slight_smile:

that looks shweet man… [grumbles] grr, he’s got galaxies…sonofa…[/grumbles] meh, anyway, yeh good job, it looks niiice :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**It’s nice, but not my kind of thing :stuck_out_tongue: I’m trying to make one :thumb:

  • Soul :s: **

What program do you use to make your own is it style Xp or what ?

i think its called skin xp? not to sure.

um sushis, gimme a few to find it and i would be glad to help you out!

for those who wanted it:

these are the best styles around!

edit: windows blinds is another thing you use to make XP skins.


no prob dude. glad i could help!

to get it to wokr you will need styleXP though. - they have it there, but iu dont know the address for the direct link

hey guys while helping ahmed install this theme i found this.

neowin lost their server HD’s so my neowin links no longer work.

there is a download there.

here is teh link for styleXP