Style XP - alike

So I DL’ed StyleXP recently and changed my windows xp styles a bit, untill I found this really neat one and sticked with it. But now, it’s expired (I didn’t even know it was a trial or something, I thought it was freeware) so I’m kinda back to my old yukkie themes…

Does anyone know of a program similar to StyleXP which is also free and also lets you changes the downloaded themes? Without having to register after a certain period of time :beam:

Thanks :p:

search google for “uxtheme.dll hack” or something like that… I’ve not styled/used windoze for a long time.

KMan has though, I’m sure he’ll tell you :slight_smile:

I’ve searched for it, but it just showed forums and stuff, and I’m not sure what it’s about… It can’t be a program, right? How does it work? :ne:

Go to, go to the forums, and go to the Windows Customization forum.
There should be a sticky along the lines of “neowin res hack” or something along those lines. Just go in there, download the file and follow the instructions. There’s a ton of themes for you to download in the forums too.

you can consider windowblinds.
you’ll only see the prompt to upgrade every once in awhile when you log in. upgraded version has more features. (but the free version is reasonable enough IMO)

Okay, thanks guys, I’ve checked both of them out and I’m DL’ing Windowsblinds right now…I’ll check out the neowin thing more thurely too.

You can use the patcher or you can manually replace your uxtheme.dll file in Windows XP’s safe mode. The only reason I don’t use Style XP or Windowblinds is that I don’t like extra 3rd party programs running during bootup :slight_smile:

I’m curious to know what the theme you like so much is. :beam:

Style xp can be set to not use computer resources.

and the newer version of style xp can handle icon sets, and internet explorer bar skinning.

Indeed. And Unflux, it’s just a simple blue style which is nicer and cleanier than that big fat XP-style :beam: