Help me not fail at life

Hello evaryone.

I know these threads are annoying, and I know that you are all smarter and cooler than me. That being said, please help me.

I have another math test coming up and I have no idea why I even decided to take this class, it’s killing me. I don’t have the time to study and such. Anyway I want to toss out a few problems and maybe get some help.

An old car has to travel a 2-mile route, uphill for one mile then downhill for the other mile. Because the car is so old it can climb the first mile, the ascent, no faster than an average speed of 15 mph. How fast does the car have to travel on the second mile, the descent, in order to achieve an average speed of 30 mph for the trip?

All I know is that I need to somehow convert this into a rate problem. But seriously, I’m at a loss. I realize it’s probably super easy, but I just don’t know what to do to get where I need to.


A red ribbon is tied tightly around the earth at the equator. How much more ribbon would you need if you raised the ribbon six feet above the equator, everywhere? (Don’t need to know the radius of the earth for this apparently)

I also really don’t understand the other 12 problems on this thing, but if I can’t figure this crap out then I’m doomed for this test. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’m looking less for answers and more for reasoning.

It’s a pre-calc class so if there’s any crazy calculus type stuff that would make these problems way more complicated, just ignore it. Pretend you’re in 4th grade again. Freaking math.