Help // Ripple Effect and Menu Playback

I know this question has been asked so many times, but “How do I create a ripple effect in a background image?” I’ve searched the forums several times for the effect that I want, but I either didn’t like the results or my program messed up.

I have a background, and I want the ripples to display the blurred version of that image, expand for about 1 second, then fade. I’m sure of what to do with masking, but I want this effect to be generated by ActionScript rather than a movie clip for random sizes and speeds of expansion of each wave.

I need the waves to be triggered when a button is on rollOver and keep generating randomly until it is on rollOut. It would be great if waves overlapped, and I’d hope to have their origins slightly off from eachother by a few pixels.

Also, if possible, maybe a few ripples could be generated to follow the mouse.

About the menu playback issue, I’ve been having this problem where you rollOver a button and it triggers an animation, but if you rollOut before it’s finished it skips to the designated rollOut animation. I’d like the know how to let the first animation finish, then go to the ending if the button isn’t being rolled over.

In a related issue, if you select a certain section in the Flash production, it goes through the opening sequence, but if you select a different section, how would I make so that it goes to a closing sequence, then to the opening sequence of the selected content. I know that they must be related, if not the same code.

If you can help in any of these questions, it would be very greatly appreciated. By the way, I’m not new to the interface of MX, so spare the instructions of how to get to each menu.

Thank you.

I’m working on a FLA for your menu question. As for the ripple effect, I think your shooting for the stars.

Hahaha, yeah, I think I am. But I do remember seeing something very simular somewhere, maybe even on these forums.

And hey, thanks for the help.

Okay, first, I posted this a while back:

Next, for your button; not sure how I would do it, but I’ve never had a rollOver animation that was long enough to need that. If you post a fla, I’ll play with it.

Last, what I think you are looking for is called transitions. Do a search using that word ‘transitions’ - you will find hundreds of threads and a couple threads that contain tutorials.


You can call me Daddy later. :slight_smile:

Freddythunder: Yeah, that’s the concept I wanted, but I’m wondering if there’s any way for those ripples to fade after expanding.

DigitalPimp: Great, exactly what I wanted. Would I use the same concept for pages in a Flash with opening and closing transitions?

Honestly, I haven’t really looked at the code. I downloaded that fla from flashkit when I first got Flash MX. Back then, I looked at the code, and then threw up. I’ll take another look at it though and see what I can do for you. Otherwise, here’s a MUCH simpiler (simpiler’s not a word :trout: ) way to do what I think you are trying to do:

You’ll have to apply actionScript to the masks and maybe use a little _xscale=_yscale=formula; for the size. Either way, there’s a plethera of stuff if you do a search of these forums or a Yahoo search using ‘ripple effect’. You’d be supprized!!

*Originally posted by HondaFoo *
**DigitalPimp: Great, exactly what I wanted. Would I use the same concept for pages in a Flash with opening and closing transitions? **

umm… OK?! I don’t understand what your asking. If you post some source I can probably help you.

On some Flash websites, when you click a link, there’s an animations before the page opens, like some fading, effects, etc. How would I use the same concept as the menu so that when you are in a page and click to go to another, the animation for a page closing plays and then goes to the opening animation for the page you wanted to go to? Hope that’s a little clearer.

Just like onclick have it do gotoAndPlay the timeline so that it closes it out. Then have at the last slide another gotoAndPlay and then set variables to pass. Understand?

Alright, but what exactly would the variables be?

And if I wanted the animation to be within a seperate movie clip than the button, who would I do that?
