Help with buttons

Hi there

I have a problem with buttons… I made one in flash 5. I have all the images necessary for the up, over, down, and hit frames. I placed a sound file that plays for 4 seconds. I embeded it to a webpage. I placed an action for the button that whenever it is clicked, it will go to a certain page. There was no problem with the link but here’s the real problem. I want the 4 second sound file to finish playing then the new page loads. Is there a parameter or anything that will set the button to finish loading then the new page loads? Because I can only hear the first second of the clip then the page loads right away. if there is no way to do this, please recommend other ways that act similar with my problem.

Please help me with this. You can e-mail me [u]here[/u]
reply in this thread

thank you in advance