Help with XML gallery tutorial

i am using flash 8 pro. i have tried to complete a number of tutorials for creating an XML gallery. i always end up with the same result. no images and no captions. i get an error saying ‘undefined’ and this also appears where the caption would appear and there are no images displayed.
i have tried this tutorial also with the same results. the example works fine but when i copy and past everything in its correct place and add the instance names i just get the same ‘undefined’ result.
can anyone help with why this is not working correctly for me


edit: i am running mac os 10.5.3
edit2: i have just tried the same tutorial on a different mac running os10.4.11
and get the same result, where the caption should appear it says ‘undefined’ and i also get an error message saying the same thing on the .swf file.
does this tutorial work with macs? any help or suggestions?


hi, can someone put me out of my misery here?
i appears when ever i save a new document as an .xml using TextEdit on a mac running mac os x i get the ‘undefined’ error message when trying to display the gallery in the above and other similar tutorials.

can someone using a mac tell me if they have any problems saving as .xml with TextEdit because its driving me nuts. i get the same result if i copy and paste the script or type it all out by hand.

it has nothing to do with your Mac I have one and I have not problem with my XML or flash files … are all your files in the same folder ? check the path to your XML …

thanks for replying sepu.
yes all the files are in the same folder. i get the option to save as ‘word 2003 XML format’ using the TextEdit and ive placed it in the folder with the .fla. when i open the .fla and publish the .swf i get the problem i described above.
if i swap the .xml that i saved for the one that is in the finished tutorial folder it works fine.
how do i check the path to the XML ?

dont save it as word2003 XML … whenever you do and XML … you just want to save it as “test.xml” that .xml you can add it after wards … just open your notepad save it as .txt and then change the extension … that save as “word2003 xml” format must be doing something weird to the file that is why you are getting an undefined … a simple xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<image > 
    <title>my Item 1</title>

<image > 
    <title>my item 2</title>

thanks sepu, i appreciate the help.
unfortunately i am unable to get this to work. i think the TextEdit in mac os x is not creating the .xml properly.
i am saving it as .txt then changing the extension to .xml. it even changes the icon for the file to the xml icon.
but when i try to display the gallery i get the ‘undefined’ error message and it says 'undefined where the caption should be and theres no images.
and as i mentioned if i use the .xml that is in the finished tutorial it works.
really i have no idea what to do now. its pissing me off no end.
im no stranger to macs and this is an easy tutorial to do, i just cannot get the TextEdit to save the .xml file so that it works.

if any one has any suggestions i would really appreciate it.

ok, ive found a solution, maybe this will help any Mac users finding the same problem that i was having.
Instead of using TextEdit, go to the applications folder and open the ScriptEditor, write your XML script and save.
then, as Sepu has said, change the extention to .xml
so in my experience TextEdit on Mac os sucks big time for creating usable .xml documents.

sepu, thanks once again for stepping in and helping me out.