Help with zelda :)

:link: I bought Zelda Windwaker last sunday and am now pleased to say that i have completed it already (last battle with gannon is SO cool!). Im just left with the side quests to do now.

I REALLY want the colour pictograph, cos i think it will help me get into the nintendo gallery. How do i get it? I’ve already spoken to Lenzo and he tells me to take a photo of someone writing love letters or somthing. how do i do that?

Please help guys!!!

(By the way, Zelda is the reason i havn’t been on the forum for a while - sorry, At least it was for a good reason!)

[COLOR=orange]The Orange One[/color]

heh, cheers, but i cant check that site on my work computer and ive got no net access at home for a few days either. [/looks sad]:-\

REally? wow man you are fast! i am collecting the tri force right now. i just dont have 20 butterfly things and cant find the two mroe that i need :frowning:

butterfly things are easy. Goto a bokablin (funny pirate-goblin type thing, often found on the floating look out platforms in the sea) and use your grappling hook on them. you get a butterfly for each one you use it on. :thumb:

give the butterfly things to Mrs Marie at the school in Windfall and she will reward you best things ever :slight_smile:

(Mrs Marie is crazy, you will see why)

*Originally posted by *
REally? wow man you are fast

I just had a week off work, and in between drinking and lady-friends i did nothing but play zelda. I swear i must have pumped about 40 hours into the game in the past week alone!


I have neglected to read the body of this post - just wanted to say that Zelda Rules, all should play it and is the best place ever to find anything you need unless of course you are an IGN Insider you can go to


w00t thanks orange now all i got to do is collect the pecies, i will wait till tomorrow though

anybody know where i can find another bottle?

wooden submarine floating near bomb island…

ship shop at rock spire…

There is a bottle in the secret hidden cave where all the monkeys live, you have to distract them with the magic flute then steal their bottle! :thumb:

  • Soul :s:

and there is another one that i got, oh yeah on windfall. i didnt get the one on the boat though, 500 wasnt worth it

oh btw i beat it lol

The orange one, it’s a pretty simple quest. I do hope you have the first pictobox :slight_smile: Anyways. First you need to talk to him in order to get the quests (so you can become his partner). I snuck in thru the back of the house, jumped from the windmill to a ledge on his house. Ok first quest, you have to find a person that is writing letters to a person he loves, you need to catch him in act.

FIRST QUEST: At morning, this guy (red shirt/vest) puts a letter in the mailbox, you have to take a photo of him in action.

SECOND QUEST: You have to find a person thats shivvering with fear and take a photo of him. Go to the bar at day time, the guy standing there will start to shivver if you “roll attack” into the wall, take a photo of him while he’s shaking.

THIRD QUEST: You have to find two persons looking at eachother (cuz they’re in love), Outside of Lenzo the pictomans house there is a girl at the end, Orange dress i think. The guy who walks past her has a green vest and blonde hair (i think). When they look at eachother you have to take a photo.

And finally, after all these quests you have to bring him a firefly. You can get a firefly from the Deku Tree. Fireflies are big white ones that shine yellow when they are near the ground (I was like trying to catch anything that was flying :))

Good Luck anyways :slight_smile:, you need to collect 20 Joy pendants to get a triforce chart. When you give her 20 pieces you’ll recieve a “Cabana Deed”, the cabana is on an island near Bomb Island (by a merchant).

Then tingle robs you blind to decipher them

any body want to write zelda in flash?

that would be a project and a half man…

your talking the original?

no I’m psycho enough to attempt windwaker 3d…
I’m all for failing miserably.

Seriously would that even be possible?

I doubt it man…that would be a bandwith nightmare…it would have to be run locally on like a P95.6 GHz machine with 52GB of memory

he he…