I bought Zelda Windwaker last sunday and am now pleased to say that i have completed it already (last battle with gannon is SO cool!). Im just left with the side quests to do now.
I REALLY want the colour pictograph, cos i think it will help me get into the nintendo gallery. How do i get it? I’ve already spoken to Lenzo and he tells me to take a photo of someone writing love letters or somthing. how do i do that?
Please help guys!!!
(By the way, Zelda is the reason i havn’t been on the forum for a while - sorry, At least it was for a good reason!)
butterfly things are easy. Goto a bokablin (funny pirate-goblin type thing, often found on the floating look out platforms in the sea) and use your grappling hook on them. you get a butterfly for each one you use it on. :thumb:
give the butterfly things to Mrs Marie at the school in Windfall and she will reward you best things ever
(Mrs Marie is crazy, you will see why)
*Originally posted by mdipi.com * REally? wow man you are fast
I just had a week off work, and in between drinking and lady-friends i did nothing but play zelda. I swear i must have pumped about 40 hours into the game in the past week alone!
I have neglected to read the body of this post - just wanted to say that Zelda Rules, all should play it and http://www.gamefaqs.com is the best place ever to find anything you need unless of course you are an IGN Insider you can go to http://guides.ign.com
There is a bottle in the secret hidden cave where all the monkeys live, you have to distract them with the magic flute then steal their bottle! :thumb:
The orange one, it’s a pretty simple quest. I do hope you have the first pictobox Anyways. First you need to talk to him in order to get the quests (so you can become his partner). I snuck in thru the back of the house, jumped from the windmill to a ledge on his house. Ok first quest, you have to find a person that is writing letters to a person he loves, you need to catch him in act.
FIRST QUEST: At morning, this guy (red shirt/vest) puts a letter in the mailbox, you have to take a photo of him in action.
SECOND QUEST: You have to find a person thats shivvering with fear and take a photo of him. Go to the bar at day time, the guy standing there will start to shivver if you “roll attack” into the wall, take a photo of him while he’s shaking.
THIRD QUEST: You have to find two persons looking at eachother (cuz they’re in love), Outside of Lenzo the pictomans house there is a girl at the end, Orange dress i think. The guy who walks past her has a green vest and blonde hair (i think). When they look at eachother you have to take a photo.
And finally, after all these quests you have to bring him a firefly. You can get a firefly from the Deku Tree. Fireflies are big white ones that shine yellow when they are near the ground (I was like trying to catch anything that was flying :))
Mdipi.com, you need to collect 20 Joy pendants to get a triforce chart. When you give her 20 pieces you’ll recieve a “Cabana Deed”, the cabana is on an island near Bomb Island (by a merchant).