Hey guys lets talk Zelda: The Wind Waker. Like it? Hate it? Give us you views.
Lets try to stay on topic w/ the least amount of spam. And please, lets not get really argumental.
ok here is what i think:
I think the game is great. The graphics are stunning. At first they didnt appeal to me but now i love them and think they really show some skill. The one thing that dissapoints me is the fact that there are not enough towns in the game. I wont spoil why for anybody but i am just dissiapointed thast there werent a lot. I am just about to start the Wind Temple. I am in it but dont feel like playing. But for the last week or two thats all i have been doing lol. The game is really very long which makes it enjoyable. All around i personally think that the game is genius and that so far its by far in the top two (i havent really played Ocarina so i cant say to much about that).
zelda, i like this game. i have been playing it since that old platform (i forgot the name). I find it very adicting, and a great game to play. As for the graphics, they are awsome.!
I lvoe all the other zelda’s i have played on gameboy and n64 , a really wanna play the new one, looks great but i ain’t got a gamecube yet!! and i got a holiday to pay for sobs
I love long games. Have you played Morrowind on your box, Guru?
Awesome game. I haven’t even started the main quests and I’ve pumped forty-odd hours into that game.
I’ve felt the same way about games before. In Final Fantasy 8 I suddenly decided to stop playing for a bit… and then didn’t get around to beating it until about 3 months later. That hasn’t hapenned since, but yeah, you get the point.
Im getting the game tomorrow, and reading this is just making me so excited! The game looks simply awesome, and i think it may take the place of ‘Metroid Prime’ as my favourite game.
Orange you are in for a treat, this game is out of this world - it sold over 800,000 copies last month anlone! Not that makes it a good game - it just goes to show you that 800 grand worth of people can’t be wrong
You are also getting the bonus disk if I remember correctly and again - what a great treat. I was lucky enough to get it like a month before the game came out so I had time to beat it again before I got my hands on the new one. Both are fantastic games and both are in my top 5 of all time for sure. Enjoy!
oh i WILL enjoy. the bonus disk, is it the same as the original, or is it improved? I realise they wont have updated the graphics, but are there extra features in there? I can’t get enough zelda dammit!
I have been in love with all of the zelda games. When I got wind waker I was sooooo happy! Although they don’t have some of the good ol’ stuff (Like attacking a chicken and having many attack you) many of those things have been replaced with newer things which makes it lots of fun. Its extremly better when you get the master sword in that game drolls, it makes fighting enemies alot easier. The Battle system is also one of my favorite things in that game.
The bonus disk (OoT Master Quest) I find much more difficult then wind waker itself.
Orange, ther bonus disk has two versions of Ocarina on it - one is the standard adventure and then there is the “MASTER QUEST” which Mista Bliss was just talking about. All the dungouns are messed around with and more harder enemies are to be found everywhere. Definatly much harder than the first tOoT.
I guess it’s my fault that I’m not as far as you. I should be - I’ve had the game since the first hour it came out but I have been so busy with work I have only just gotten the boomerang (no laughing… I really am good at video games )