Here was the old site that many gave feedback:
Now here is the revised site:
Bring on the comments and suggestions!
Here was the old site that many gave feedback:
Now here is the revised site:
Bring on the comments and suggestions!
i know your new, just pointing out stuff
please don’t any of the following on the offensive side:
telling from your work, you lack modern-class design skills, you at-the-moment do not meet todays standards. specialy in layout, text usage, font style, and the style. you have a whole lot of catching up to do.
i just though i should be straight forward, and no i’m not saying better than you, i just wanna help you become a better designer
i can tell you to change this and that. but that won’t do it.
here this may help you become a better designer, please don’t take this the wrong way: look at a site that inspires you, and rip it of, by that i mean try and create an “exact copy”(Font style, layout, graphics, background, animation…etc.). why, because it will help you gain more knoweldge(alot), and other things to help you meet today’s standards. this suppose to be self training. keep it on your computer and entirely off the net.
ahhh it’s an improvement indeed GGROD, nice improvement
keep it up!!
mansour is obviously feeling overly SOUR today… condescention does nothing to help improve design skills nor does killing any kind of creative spirit he may have by telling him to duplicate some other site. If anyone should keep it “on their computer, and off the net” it’s mansour with that post!
The site itself obviously shows a fair degree of knowledge in flash, atleast minimum AS experience and definately LOTS of potential.
it’s been said before but:
try to keep gradients and alphas to minimum unless they absolutely add to the design, they increase file size without much impact IMO.
embedding fonts is a must, including maybe the top text which I would recommend a more “modern” look, maybe a “phrastic” or “agency” font something other than the the default (which I’m guessing is probably an Arial derivative based on the top text) .
toss the looping music, specially if it’s a DJ site until you get a wicked mp3 player plug-in (or better yet write your own!). the player should be a focus and not a detriment to a site geared towards music.
nice transitions, get a good feel of movement, but the back animation can be a bit distracting (maybe move it to the top corner or something when viewing content?)
and some aesthetic points… add more detail to the top and bottom bar, maybe some quick and simple “rivets” and/or extra lines of different thinknesses; something to add to the lushness of the experience, which right now feels somewhat stark or “hospital industrial”. Also, use imagery (if you can) from the DJ accessories and tools, like the phase dots on the side of a turn-table, or the play head, or something more tailored for the experience you’re trying to sell.
nice work all in all, hope some of my tips helped, peace
hey man thats my opinion leave me alone…
1. you didn’t embed your fonts
2. white background does nothing for your site
3. loading text should preload
4. lacks in design
5. too much drop shadow on the header text
6. music player lacks in design
I removed much of the gradients and left some alphas. I just like the transparent look.
I’ll keep looking at it …
Thanks so far.
all of the text is static except for the Title and music status. I don’t know how to embed dynamic text. I think static text is already embeded.
If I change the font for the title do I have to use that same font throughout the site?
Wow huge difference from 1 and 2. I like #2 much more. Keep up the good work.
Sorry but I’m going to have to side with Mansour. You obviously have some skill in the development but your design skill is lacking. It’s hard to find certain elements that seperate your site from well designed ones, but I would agree to look at other sites and see how they are composed… what visual elements they use… ect.
Your site would be hot if it came out 4 years ago.
On that note. Keep at it. We’re all learning here.
easy embed… search kirupa. but im feeling non-sour so here it is. set your textfields to dynamic, on the right side of properties there is a button that allows you to choose which characters to embed (set to auto fill).
makesure that you have multiline selected where needed or you’ll get a whole lot of one liners.
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