Hey FLahmates

The etomology of the word W00t stems from 2 English words,

“Wow, Cool!”

In the mid 1990’s Wow cool was shortend to Wool, but was confused with a sheep’s dressings, or a sweater ( which made no sense to the computer Community). Therefore a T was used instead of an L and thus woot. However, Woot wasent as cool as it could be. So using hackers syntax in writting real world words, Zeros were used for the "o"s and thus W00t was born and forever used by geeks.

Source - “Raydred’s Book of thinks most people don’t care about , and other tales”.


But since this combines 1337 syntax, it is not cool enough for hackers, so hackers now use…


Since we don’t feel like going through that, we stick with w00t.

Yes, which was adopted in the spring of 1998 by Dr. WutenSpeil, thru his research in Wootinology, we now have a shortened word, “w00t”, keeping its original meaning, “Wow, Cool!”


Please… You all are embarassing yourselves talking about your “w00t” and “l337.” :stuck_out_tongue: Lost’s “//007” was the single most stupidest thing I have ever seen in my life! :stuck_out_tongue: He should be ashamed of himself for making such a remark. If you needed help with the l33t-speak, you can come to me. There is only one man capable of talking leet, and that is me. w00t…


Yeah… uh huh… if you are so l337, why do you spell it leet?

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

I do have to agree Bogswell is the leading authority in leet. =) lol

Go bogs! =)

Lost Lost Lost, you poor misinformed person. When explaining leet speak, you always use leet, instead of “l33t.” This clears up the mistake of someone asking you what “l33t” is if they don’t know that 3’ can be substituted for E’s. It’s ok though, I wouldn’t expect a n00b like you to know… :stuck_out_tongue:


BTW: haha thanks ray

Tech me oh Wise one.

Show me the way to en-leet-enment. lol =)

(yea i mean Tech and not teach, its kinda a cool pun) =) hehe

I shall teach and you my son, shall follow.

*Originally posted by Raydred *
Show me the way to en-leet-enment. lol =)

First of all Ray, when not instructing someone on how to use leet speak, always use 1337. Your quote above would have been considered n00b.



Looks like a serial#…



:stuck_out_tongue: I’m a dimwit… =)

so, what’s the 1337 alphabet?

whA+ I$ 9oin9 ON?

What is going on?

The alphabet can be found here

read this! to become enlightened:P :stuck_out_tongue: :rambo:

that took 3 weeks? i could do that in…hmmm…3 mon. now that i think about it. lol.


PS: w00t

1337-teach me what ever i need to be taught starting with why i use 1337-1337

*Originally posted by mdipi.com *
**1337-teach me what ever i need to be taught starting with why i use 1337-1337 **

I DOn+ UNd3r5t4nd J00 MD1p1!

I actually never learned full leet speak. I gave that up when I decided not to follow up with my Computer Networking (although my voucher is still good to take the CCNA exam…hmmm).

I once was, but no longer am. Oh, and I never hacked anyones comp without their permission, I would feel too guilty.

you know… that’s v9.0, I’d love to see the origional beta v1.0.

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Oh, and I never hacked anyones comp without their permission, I would feel too guilty. **

so your saying you hacked them WITH permission? did you email them and ask if you could hack them? :bandit: