Here’s the game I’ve been working on and off on for some time now…
Tell me what ya’ll think
Here’s the game I’ve been working on and off on for some time now…
Tell me what ya’ll think
Oh, forgot the warning…
Might lag on older machines…
Beware… :P:P
Great game, Its alot like pac man. A bit hark to turn corners though.
Yah it takes some practice to turn corners
And it DOES look a lot like pacman… but hey… someone once said that pacman was the most ripped off game ever…
I LOVE IT! but can never tell when my bag will explode or i will have a major electrical failure:*(
i am getting kinda good
to bad you dont have a ranking sys:*( then it would be so much fun! hey maybe a bunch of us could put our heads together and code one
Nope, that’s a random function!
Gotta ease it down really…
I completed it with 1 second left this morning… yesterday I had a full 8 secs left…
A ranking sys WOULD be fun…
BUT… it’s for a client of mine… so… we can’t really go nuts on it… but of course, we could have our own KirupaForum version…
Just gotta change the design… THEN we can add a ranking sys!!
LOL… yeah, we get it pj…
The trick is to not leave any dustballs behind… you gotta think of a general route…
It CAN be done…
Very Sweet. A ranking system would be cool. It shouldn’t be to hard to build one though. I made one out of some simple if statments for my tie fighter footer.
I could do the PHP and host it on my server if you don’t have MYSQL?
OK u guys want an actaul ranking board. Little differnt aint it:P
Its fun eilsoe! Looks good too… however I dont totally like how you make it move, can get you stuck, and you cant advance just one square in any direction without some quick fingers. Really well done though!!
PS when is avalon going to be up and running? ::
I’m looking forward to it.
Ya do you have any thing desgined yet=)
sigh… no…
I haven’t even made a single pixel for it yet… My DB has been on for MONTHS now…
It’s just… if people ask me to make somethin’, I can…
BUT, if it’s for myself… I can’t… I KNOW I’ll love my work for 2 days… then I scrap it…
But hey, btw, check this one…:
I just LOVE their design… Simple and pro’ish…
It’s so hard not to copy it… but I don’t wanna copy… waaah
You can do better. Its differnt but a there is better. They also need to move there home button out of the black. I couldn’t find it.
They had some great loops though. DO u know of any other good sites. Other than flashkit. Fo sounds and loops. I’m tired of there stuff. Every one has it.
You should build yor new site around your spalsh screen. That has a cool color setup and I like the grey window.
I know there’s better sites out there…
But I really really really really really really really really really really really really really like this… =)
It’s so simple it purdy…
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