Wild Style

Here something I recently made in C4D using a new chrome texture I made, hope you guys like it.


sweet man!!! Me Likes!!!

Hey man, that is pretty ■■■■ sweet!!!

With that said…

The bar in the upper-middle of the image seems to just stop out of nowhere… is this intentional? Also the Wild Style text doesn’t seem to flow with the curve of the pipe.

It is hella sweet though… :love:

Thanks guys, yes the bar does stop, but I should of made it continue off into the background or something. As for the wild style text, you’re right it doesn’t go well with the rest, but I didn’t know where else to put it. :-\

The wild style text looks good there, it just needs to curve more with the pipe so it looks like it is printed on the pipe.

ahh ic ic, gotcha Lost, that shouldn’t be too hard to fix then since I’m using PS7, I can bend the text. Thanks for the input. =)

I know I’m being a lazy *** and I could maybe get the info from the site. BUt how does one join the deviant art club?? And what exactly is it? Like a art exchange??

No problemo :slight_smile:

I figured most people would just pop in here and be like “oooohhh… ahhhhh”, so I would be the one with constructive criticism :beam:

Go to www.deviantart.com and register for free. It is a place where artists can post there work and people can post comments on it and stuff… it is great.

ooooohhh…aaaaaaahhh ooops excuse me…HEY YOUR SHADOWS ARE OFF…just playing… I thought it was just a pic he was messing with there fore no need for comment:geek: :whistle:

hahah Deviantart is slow as hell though, make sure you have plenty to do while you’re waiting for it to load.

Yeah definitely, it is even incredibly slow with broadband. That is what happens when you have billions of artists viewing the same site at the same time though…lol.

Wait about a month or two, I guarantee you the problem will be gone, DeviantArt is partners with a company that builds servers and hosts connections, this is the company that has new breakthrough speeds and bandwidth possibilities, unbelievable, believe it! By they way, is it just me or is no one’s footers working (i.e. electrongeek and guigo). Whats you deviant art name electron?

My deviant ID is the same as what I use here, electrongeek.

EGs footer shows fine for me. Guig0s has been down for a while now.

Yup, EG’s footer shows fine for me too. :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah thats what i am getting here too…cool dan i cant wait for faster connections!