yeah okay everyone has to post the original photos to get in the poll.
hmmm, I don’t like the idea of all of us starting with our own images…
…Let me see if I can get into the idea and create something.
Right then here we go EthanM is the ‘chooser of images’ as he is the leader of the best Kirupa cult. Choose away EthanM.
Hehe, I may have to participate… if DDD does, just so I can stomp on him like the olden days
It’s your battle so I’ll find 3 images and you choose the one to battle with.
brb… I hunting images.
Ok you choose.
nice pics, did u take them?
nope. from
OH…its “on and CRACKIN” now…
Hopefully he will choose the door or the trees…the other one is kinda whack
No Your’e Wack! sorry had a bit of 1st grade pre-battle playgound trash talking in me.
well DDD since you and I ruined Flash’s battle since the beginning. You choose the image.
lol…we did, didn’t we… eenie, meenie, minnie, DOOR!..I like the door image. Lets roll with that if Flash does not have a protest to you further changing his rules…lol
dang i like the trees too. Okay entrants can choose trees or doors.
ok so you said the trees or the door?
or are we waiting for Flash to decide?
P.S. I don’t think this battle needs to be 2 weeks long.
Number three’s my favourite Ethan. The trees and the path.
EDIT: Two weeks will be up before we decide on the freakin rules!
:crazy: :sigh: :bored: :snooze: :z: Dun dun duh dun dun duh dun duh dun duh dun
So trees OR door OR both?
2 weeks or all entries are in, which ever happens first. My schedule is sometimes hectic. But I should be able to participate in this battle as well as the other. I need a break from work anyway.
ok Flash. Change the link in your first post to that image and let’s a get this battle a running.
Puts game face on
So wait which one are we going to use. Hey Moncrey thanks for all the advice on my work I am now more confident in it. Im in and lets see what we can all do…As soon as I find out what image we are going to use.
can i still get in?
Ok, the Battle is On.
Can a mod change the first post to reflect that image. Let’s get’it on!
So far I have:
Me, Simplistik, Flash, MutedLogic, IdolThoughts, Ethan, Exorxist, Color Pup, Reefster.
Thats it I propose so we dont have this ridiculously long poll, plus people entering at all times.