Hi guys, criticize me please,,

hi for everyone and thanks for kirupa stuff to provide us with this chance
l am a new one one flash designing, as far as 6 months l have been studing flash, l utilized from this site, thanks again
l have just launched a site www.dkofset.com l want everyone who visit this site to give a comment, it will be usefull for me to know myself where l am going to. tahnks.

Hey thats really good for 6 months of learning. I liked the transitions a lot. Everything seems to be flowing well, nice job.

Nice site, nice effects. The music loop is a little irritating, and you can tell where it loops. Also the right link at the top seems to move slightly to the right when you hover over it. The other links don’t do this.

apart from that it’s very nice, especially for 6 months.

I like the design, the one thing I might fix is the very beginning home page the main bar looks like it gets cut off completley at the bottom of the screen. I would recommend transitioning it… making it blur into the white background towards the bottom. This way the edge doesn’t look so hard and noticeable.

I agree - great work. I like the transition between pages and the transition on the pink image in the urunlurimiz section is especially cool. One little thought I had - the splash page is very light and open with orange band but the site is much darker with deep reds in the background. Both look nice but I don’t know how well they relate to each other.

Anyhow, keep up the good work.

I have seen it before… same colors, layout and transition… OMG!
[SIZE=3]Get out of here.[/SIZE]

Really? That’s pretty lame if its true.

EDIT: Just noticed its the same guy who posted kingsofweb.com :sure:


kingsofweb !!! :smiley:

also… keep the music off… after clicking on a button the loop plays again.

oh and if it really is a template… lamer… : /

Well if the site is a template that might explain the incongruties between the splash page and the main site. How annoying . . .

It s definitely a Template, I have seen that B4

Wow. He basicly lied his arse off and advertised his site.
very lame man. if its not a template its ripped. even worse…

i can verify that too… no wonder the front page look so familiar…

i thought i recognised the preloader bar.

:upset: hmph

Well he got what he wanted, he’s being heavilly criticized now.

so the critism would be don’t buy a template…build your own site…


If you do buy a template, dont ask for a critique…