
so yesterday, my best friend rachelle took me to an arabian cafe where we had coffee and smoked raspberry flavored tobacco from a hookah. i am definately doing that again. it was awesome. anyone else ever smoked from a hookah? i know probably the arabic members on this board have.

:stuck_out_tongue: I have absolutely no idea what you’re talkin’ about! :stuck_out_tongue:

search the word “hookah” and you shall know.

i thought it was slang for hooker.



why would i smoke a hooker? that’s retarded.

LMAO! That’s even More ROFLMAO than the last one! ROFLMAO!
:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

…when i first saw the post…i thought thats what you meant

yeah man the title soudns a bit like one, but when i read the post i said ohh!

I searched a lil! Saw a pic… I can now imagine what it is!

whoever came up with LMAO and ROFLMAO needs to be shot. really, it is overused.

lmao! And roflmao! and lol! and irw(only estonian) and ic(only estonian) … can’t remember any more of 'em! :slight_smile:

picture edited by pj; Kirupa has said he doesn’t want pictures and stuff of drug paraphenelia on the boards. Its not something everyone could know so don’t think anyones upset; Just please do not post drug paraphenlia pictures.

this would be a hookah otherwise known in as a bong and yes they are great fun to smoke cough herbal remedies :thumb: :crazy:

-teed :tie:

i’ll throw some croatian ones at you, beotch.

Hoooook picture of drug paraphenlia edit by pj; Please do not display such things on the board. thanx. pj :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by teed *
** picture of drug paraphenlia edit by pj; Please do not display such things on the board. thanx. pj :slight_smile:

this would be a hookah otherwise known in as a bong and yes they are great fun to smoke cough herbal remedies :thumb: :crazy:

-teed :tie: **

dude what the hell. you are seriously retarded. stop posting please.

Originally posted by Syko *
* <-?.. …aaahhh!
picture of drug paraphenlia edit by pj; Please do not display such things on the board. thanx. pj :)**

hahahahahha, i see you found the site. good job.

no pinx shut i up i serched google for hookah and that came up so shut the **** up and dont call me retarded

teed is right, it’s used for mary-jane and gives a better boost…

Anyway I’ve tried mint flavored tobacco, you should definitely try