Hotmail: A Spammer's Paradise?

found this interesting article on

Hotmail: A Spammer’s Paradise?

thought some of you might like it…=)


Hotmail sucks. No doubt about it. But you have to have one when you sign up for stuff cause you dont want your real address going on 6000 mailing lists…

I use hotmail! And I use junk mail filter too! So almost all of the stuff I don’t need goes to the junk mail folder! I have no problem with it!

You need hotmail (well i do) because of MSN Messenger :P, most
ppl use that…

What will happen when they start charging for using MSN MEssenger.

Any side-chat programs? equal to MSN, (ICQ?, YAHOO)…


but are they going to charge?

I’ve heard something about a new version that costs! But hey! You can still use the older free versions! Not so bad!

dear God, that is so correct…

in any given day, my Inbox would have 200+ messages and ZERO messages in the Junk Mail Folder. i put the filter to the most strict setting and it’s doing jack. It is official, Hotmail sucks.

i’ve just completely abandoned my hotmail account for good.

same here :(…
but what can i say… microsoft:sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

*Originally posted by thoriphes *
**dear God, that is so correct…

in any given day, my Inbox would have 200+ messages and ZERO messages in the Junk Mail Folder. i put the filter to the most strict setting and it’s doing jack. It is official, Hotmail sucks.

i’ve just completely abandoned my hotmail account for good. **

what ya talking about???
I have the filter on default… I guess… maybe Enhanched but 90% of the junk mail goes to the Junk mail folder! I have aboslutely no problem with hotmail!
ahmed: don’t like microsoft? then don’t use any of their products! I don’t undesrtand why people don’t like microsoft!!!
If there wasn’t microsoft I’d be on a linux or somethin!

well, i guess i forgot to say…i’ve had this e-mail forever. i mean it was probably my first account ever. over the years my address may have stuck with some databases who were victims to spammers. so i’m sorry if i sounded too harsh, especially to the avid hotmail users. i’m just really enraged how microsoft isn’t doing such a good job with their junk mail filter. i even prevented receiving some messages from specific filters in the subject/e-mail but that doesn’t seem to work as well.

I have aboslutely no problem with hotmail!
Of course I will get a new account ( after I finish my homepage! But there’s nothing wrong with hotmail! Maybe 2mb is a bit too little but at least the security is good!
There’s an estonian mail service where you get 10mb but the security is awful! Even I managed to get past the security… yeh better not talk about it here :)!
But hotmail didn’t become the largest mail service just by being …lame or sth! AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH MICROSOFT EITHER! =)
I’m done! :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Syko *
**don’t like microsoft? then don’t use any of their products! I don’t undesrtand why people don’t like microsoft!!!
If there wasn’t microsoft I’d be on a linux or somethin!
[/EDIT] **

hm… okay… i dont want to start start a flame war or anything, but yeah, i kinda hate microsoft… not use their products? well i’d like to, but i dont have my own computer to run linux, and if i dont think i can currently afford a mac… but im sure if it was totally up to me, i’d never use a wintel box again…
again, this is just my opinion, im not trying to offend anyone lol… :slight_smile:



I didn’t realize you were Swiss!

That explains the World Domination thang…



I dont mind some of the junk mail I get… If you know what I mean ;);):bad:


I heard you can always tell a German…

You just can’t tell him much…

:beam: :hair: :beam: :hair: :beam: ;( :sigh: :stuck_out_tongue:


*Originally posted by Phil Jayhan *
**you get 6 megabytes with yahoo and GREAT spam filters that werk~

cheers **

Good deal, am going to register an account now.


I use Hotmail for my spam acct. It’s the one I use when I have to give a varifiable email. I have 15 custom filters (anything with my name in the subject line, etc.) and the spam filter on full. Most things end up in the junk mail folder, and around 5 a day make it through.

I use yahoo to get my pop acct when I am away from my comp., and to get public email (on business cards, etc.), and very little spam gets through.

For all that is worth…


*Originally posted by Oblique *
**I dont mind some of the junk mail I get… If you know what I mean ;);):bad: **

LOL I get that kinda stuff too but most of them suck! :P:P;)

Anyone who doesn’t like Microsoft is horribly misinformed, or something.

They’ve done nother wrong. Gates’ software was groundbreaking, and just because he’s richer and better and more successful than all of us doesn’t make his software ****. This guy is a genius that practially invented OS’s.

By the by, Hotmail works fine for me. Yahoo was too ugly for me, Phil, that’s why I don’t use it anymore. If it’s improved, I don’t care, I’ve already chosen a side.