House of 1000 corpses

Any1 seen this movie???

d4mn that’s one weird flic…

nope =)

is it like a new movie?

does the name “rob zombie” mean anything to you?

not realesed in india so far, altho we love horror movies here.Works for me everytime, my gf comes few more inches closer to me wile we watch(used to) a horror movie hehehehe
tht’s y i m a BIG fan :wink:

I just watched it umm… the day be4 yesterday!
Bloody stuff! well… scarier than ghost ship and …err… can’t remember now… that movie where there r these zombie-like stuff and all the big cities in USA are evacuated!

That corpse-movie was wierd I dream about that kinda stuff at night where you run like **** like in the end of that movie and then find ppl living underground and that kinda wierd stuff!

*Originally posted by pinx *
**does the name “rob zombie” mean anything to you? **

It sure does ! Man, they make the best rock songs ! Example ? Search for “Living Dead Girl”, it’s the opening theme of The Bride Of Chucky. They also made songs for Matrix Reloaded, and of course, also for House of 1000 Corpses.

Listens to Living Dead Girl … This song rocks !!! only listen to it with decent speakers or a headphone, or the amazing effect is lost !

Can it compare to 28 days later? :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by comicGeek *
**Can it compare to 28 days later? :slight_smile: **

Are you talking about a band or a movie ? :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by comicGeek *
**Can it compare to 28 days later? :slight_smile: **

That’s the other movie what I was talkin’ about! (the one that I couldn’t remember)!
I think 1000 corpses is scarier!

*Originally posted by Voetsjoeba *
**It sure does ! Man, they make the best rock songs ! Example ? Search for “Living Dead Girl”, it’s the opening theme of The Bride Of Chucky. They also made songs for Matrix Reloaded, and of course, also for House of 1000 Corpses.

Listens to Living Dead Girl … This song rocks !!! only listen to it with decent speakers or a headphone, or the amazing effect is lost ! **

i said that because rob zombie showcased the movie at his concert for everyone to see.

I wanna see this movie and 28 days later. I am in the mood for horror. Getting trashed and seeing Freddy vs Jason.

we’re definately getting wasted to go see freddy vs. jason. hell yeah.