Friday the 13th - Any good movies?

My friend is throwing a big party this Friday and we plan to watch a horror movie or two at night. Any recommendations?


Good choice Phil :slight_smile: Where can I find it? It’s not coming out till 2034! :frowning:

Unfortunately the only way to enjoy a good scary movie it to watch it on your own in a empty house in the dark where your imagination can get away from you.

With a bunch of friends it becomes a laugh fest.

But for a little creep, I would suggest.

What lies beneath
Final destination 1 & 2
The Exorcist

Nope…you got to watch, “Freddy Vs Jason”. It’s out on DVD and it’s a kick @$% flick. There are only a few chilling horor style scenes in each style(freddy dream style/jason hacker style), the rest of it is the best fight you ever wanted to see short of “Alien vs Predator” (which is due out in a year btw)

Donnie Darko was creepy.


oh… and I never liked either the freddy movies or friday the 13th very much at all.

you could always play hide and seek in the dark. :sure:

Don’t worry, the idea will sound better once you guys are inebriated.

Pitchblack with Vin Desle (sp?)

btw also, Ridick Cronicles is coming out staring the Vin as the same character… should be sweet.

Ravenous - story of canibals/vampires in the rocky mountains during the 1800’s

hmmm… those are two of my favorites… I cant’ think of any others… give me time. I love creepy movies

Don’t listen to upuaut
Freddy vs Jason is terrible, he is just upset that he actually paid money to go to the movies to see it, and figures if he had to suffer through it, then the rest of the world should have to as well.

Nah, only Joking….

I watched it a week ago and didn’t think that much of it, it was slightly better than Jason X.

How do you upset Freddy ?

Ask him ……. Who’s your daddy !

28 Days Later

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

…and that is pretty much all the semi-horror movies I’ve watched :slight_smile:

[size=1]EDITED: thx to IlikePie for pointing out that 28 Days and 28 Days Later are not the same films![/size]

Actually I’m with Kirupa’s first suggestion. Donnie Darko is a fantastic film and really gets you thinking. When me and my friends watched it, we took 2 hours to see the film and another 2 hours debating what we thought actually happened and why… :slight_smile:

Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Yeah that was good, a classic…… Just be warned !

DO NOT…… REPEAT…. DO NOT…. under any circumstances mistake that for.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The next generation

Staring Rene Zellweger and Mathew Macohay.

I had the unfortunate pain of having to watch this a couple of days ago.
Let me assure you that being hung by your balls upside down while being set alight and having your nails pulled, would seem like heaven compared to watching this movie !

Speaking from experience here? :puzzle:

haha - Kit, I still don’t quite understand what happened in Donnie Darko :slight_smile:

EDIT: Rene doesn’t seem like one of those actresses who could pull off a horror movie imo :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We think we worked it out, but then one of them suggested another theory and that sparked the whole thing off again. I don’t think we ever reached a satisfactory conclusion, other than the director leaves it up to the viewer to make his own decisions. :sure:

Well worth checking out the website though, after you’ve watched the film of course. Now that’s how Flash should be used… :slight_smile:

No I have not experience this…… hee hee

But when the thought of that movie came to my mind I crawled under the table and sat there shivering with fear.
I had managed to block it from my mind, I had forgot I saw it until Kirupa mentioned the first.

Unfortunately there are no words that can describe the pain of seeing this movie. If Satan ever sees this movie, he with turn hell into a movie theater and play this movie over and over again for eternity….

Nah he wouldn’t…… even he wouldn’t be that cruel

Well I was going to try and rent Donnie Darko until I saw this

the director leaves it up to the viewer to make his own decisions.

I really hate that…. I paid money to be told a story, I don’t want to have to use my imagination !

“Lost in Translation” would have been good if it didn’t screw you with a non-ending.

Don’t listen to upuaut
Freddy vs Jason is terrible, he is just upset that he actually paid money to go to the movies to see it, and figures if he had to suffer through it, then the rest of the world should have to as well.
Nah, only Joking….
I watched it a week ago and didn’t think that much of it, it was slightly better than Jason X.

Well I actually saw an illegal dvd copy of it but don’t tell anyone. I would not have paid a dime to see the movie, but a friend of mine had it and said it was fun to watch, so I checked it out. I still contend that it is the best of any of those movies between either style… is that saying much? Of course not it’s freddy and jason we’re talking about, not Jack Nicholson in “The Shining”

perspective man… perspective. :wink:

(also the reason why I made another post with some more serious flicks off of my favorites list.:))

Donnie Darko was a good movie and I kinda like how director’s intentionally cause you to think more about the movie than what is explicitly explained during it. But Donnie Darko is one of a kind. It makes you question about reality itself, and all those “what if” scenarios. Movies like these take at least two or more viewings to get an understanding of what’s going on. It’s a good movie nevertheless; if you’re not the philosophical type, then DD may not have such a great effect on you.

Donnie Darko

So is it creepy or philosophical ???

it can’t be both can it :cop: