Now come on people, I know I wasnt the only one here to go and watch this piece of movie history on the weekend, it made like 35 million so I know some of you saw it.
What did you think - did it live up to your horror geek asperations?
I’m not much of a horror geek really but I do really like the Friday the 13th movies because they scare the living crap outta me - I’m a sucker for punishment I guess:skull: But I really enjoyed it. I thought it lagged a weeeee bit at some points but overall it was what I was expecting and was a good time.
I mean anytime you see Freddy and Jason batteling it out on the silver screen you are in for a treat - especailly when in the dream world!
There are a few scrares in there - some suspensful parts but for the most part, it’s just a funny horror movie. Freddy has some great lines - as do the victims right before Jason destroys them!
*Originally posted by telekinesis *
**Not really :sure: **
ok then…let me rephrase… most horror movies.
but the nightmare on elmstreet saga get’s rediculous after nr 3, so nothing more then humour left in there, and his collegue jason has a similar carreer so it a good shot to say the combination will be more funny then scary
I dont know why - I think because he is just a killing machine and so brutal about it.
I actually had a nightmare the same night I saw the movie. Nothing terrible or anything, but enough that when my alarm clock woke me up to go golfing I was like “thank god” hahahaha
well scary for me is in the realism… not in the fact that the super bad guy can take a rocket in the gut and still come back (figure of speech ).
For example, jeepers creepers had a real creepy atmosphere in the beginning, really cool. Something was behind them, you didn’t know really what, and why, but it could really happen. After the second half when you know all the answers i got a “ooooh. yeah right” feeling.
lightning - I am with you on the Jeepers Creepers thing - I really LOVED the movie until those wings sprouted out… it was soooooo scary with that truck baralling down the road and dumping of the bodies - one of the best starts I have ever seen to a horror movie.