How do i make tis effect with Photoshop


check out the link


see the background thing that is in the top left and covers all that corner. How do i create that effect? anyone know a tutorial, i can kinda get it but mine looks really crap and i’d love a tutorial to follow, it would look alot better…:stuck_out_tongue:


all it is are brushes.
you can get them anywhere , just search for photoshop brushes at google is one of note

no tuts for grunge…sorry! just fool around. do a search here at the forums (the search button next to online) for grunge…

wow…!!! those brushes are totally kool man, i’ve been using them for like 5 minutes. literally and i just made a class image…thanks redViper :stuck_out_tongue:

check out my image :stuck_out_tongue: see wot u reckon, its abit on the big side, ne1 know i can make it smaller (kb wise not too wide, etc…)

click here…!!!

thanks again…:bounce:

you wanna make it smaller in size?
when you save it, you should get an option. make it smaller without making quality go down.
10-20kb is good for most images

oh and btw. your welcome <:}

Just be sure a ton use a ton of layers. It always sucks using grunge brushes and there is on you don’t like the placment of but you can’t get rid of it.