I had to work on Easter Today. God **** was I pissed.
Anywho, we closed the store but we still had like 5 people in their. The last 2 asked for my phone number, let me explain
First couple, a mom and a daughter (about 34). Somehow we got to the topic of what school I go to. I told them ITT and I was studing Multimedia. They go, Oh really? Yup!
You any good with logo’s? Website kind of stuff?
Me with a grin on my face, “Yes mam.”
Oh how cool, were opening a school here in Tucson, and we have a reality company we want to put on the web. (YES THANK YOU GOD!)
I go, oh well, I can do all that, know PHP mySQL, flash, photoshop, HTML, almost everything you need for a website. They asked for my number and want to do business.
Next person, very old lady.
“So you know computers?”
Me, still with a grin on my face, “Yes I do Mam!”
“Oh, i can never undestand what im doing, my husband is always like, click this and click that, but he never explains it.”
Me, “Well mam, I can give you my number also and I can show you some basics.”
Lady, “Oh that would be wonderful! You know, you seem very smart for your age. Maybe you should right a book about computer usage”
I told her I started to and never got around to finishing it.
ANYWAY! Wow two people that are interested in my work. Im thinking about being a Freelancer for making websites and computer help. What do you guys think?