How Many Hours do You Sleep?

His status at yahoo

At msn

But he’s still on at kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

this guy never sleeps.

Howmany hours do u guys sleep and at what time?

I go to sleep at 12 pm everyday, 5-7 hours sleep.

4-5 …usually from 4am-9am lol

You do realize you just brought a 5 year old thread back up. You really must be sad.

He’s a noob give him a break. (I also really want to ban him for those ugly ads in his footer, if only I was a mod.)

I’ve settled in a pretty good rhythm of 11:30 -> 7:00, so 7.5 hours. On weekends, that pretty much shifts over so I go to sleep later and wake up later. When going to school, I pretty much stay up way too late (2? 3? 4?).

even less because of my lady now. 3-4 hrs? She stayed up till 8am in the morn talking to me today.

ah sweet! talk is good !! I sleep less too…6-7 hrs max if lucky…
and whats with people getting annoyed with old threads coming back? SIMPLY DONT CLICK ON THEM !!

Since this thread has already been revived: on weekdays, around 5.5 (1:30-7:00); on weekends, about 9.5 (1:00-10:30, but it moves a lot).

Anywhere from 2 hours to 12 hours, depending.

7h… less during when I have a full class schedule.

On weekdays, Bed at 12 wake up at 6:30. On weekends bed at 2 wake up at 1:30

Would you rather I posted a new thread on the exact same topic? I am kinda sad though. :frowning:

Whats this thing you guys call sleep :h: never heard of it

In a few minutes, thats what my sig will say

3-4 hours sleep everyday:D