How many hours do you spend infront of your computer each day?

[quote=TheCanadian;2328958]About .5 to 1 hours after work and 14 hours at work. That is if you count this as a computer:

GPS screen in my tractor. The thing drives it self :beam:[/quote]
My cousin has something like that (they own a huge farm). Huge “tractor” if you can call it that and yea basically can drive itself. For farm equipment the stuff is very techy. But, I guess thats how people get the large harvests (mainly tomatoes… I think its part of Red Gold… because hes always wearing the shirts and coats lol).

This thread disturbs me. I never took into account how much time I spend in front of a PC.

I think I should get back into construction.

Lets see, I wake up at around 9, am on the computer till 11, leave for 2 hours, I’m back on till around 6pm leave for an 1 hour and a half, come back and I’m on till 12-1am.

So about 14 hours a day.

It doesnt help that my brain functions better inbetween the hours of 12am and 3am

jamie. needs. moar. sleeps.

give him moar sleeps

That tractor screen is fantastic!

I spend about 9 hours at work, then 3-6 hours at home. So yeah, way too much!

I would 10+ per day

Lets see, probably around 20 on average. The weekends I sleep for 12 hours to recharge since I normally get 3-4 hours of sleep a night on weekdays. I’m a programmer though so my hobby and work and fun all involve a computer.

^Loyx… hes not lying which is the sad part… he easily beats you :lol:

8 at work and maybe a half hour at home… And as little as possible on weekends.

it’s not something brag about I’d imagine.

8 at work, anywhere from 5-7 hours at home.

Anywhere from none to 5 depends on the day. Weekdays it’s more.

LOL, yes. I’ve had days with 19-20 as well… but after that… zZzZzZz 24h sleeping!!!

The last July week i’ll be in “The Campus Party”

8000 geeks sleeping 3-4 hours. The rest of the day infront of the monitorrrr…

This last boy 24/7… Who can win him??? xDDDD

It must get pretty hot in a room with 8000 computers.

I spent 16 hours with my computer everyday!:smiley:

Way more than 10 hours, daily. Closer to 15-16ish i believe.

whenever I don’t sleep, 9am to 3am sunday included.

I don’t idle either, I’m at school most of the time (it’s opened on weekends, till 2am)

I’m glad to have a few non-computer classes (scenario writing etc…)

I wish I owned a tractor too.

Yeah I’m basically the coolest kid on the block :stuck_out_tongue: The thing is freaking amazing. I can set a track, press a button and then watch the thing steer itself. It’s freaking accurate too; it will stay within inches of the track.

Oh yeah, and it’s touch screen :love:

8 hours/ day every day!:slight_smile:

It depends on, normally about 3 hours per day, About 6 hours on weekends.